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You're in luck with timing! We are actually talking to someone in the UK now who wants to coordinate with some arcades there to try and get a container to London. I imagine that between the relevant arcades and a few private sales it will not be too hard for us to drum up enough demand so feel free to hit us up on Discord or here!
Cool thanks
Long time no post! We are about to send a container of games out to Dallas on the 12th, and we have room for 2-3 extra cabinets on the container. Our website has not been updated with stock because we had a huge bulk order that took away a lot of cabs, but we still have a couple nice New Astros, Blast Cities, and New Net Cities, a Vewlix Diamond Blue and Grigios ready to send immediately. Price will vary based on exact cabinet condition, but expect around $2200-$2700 for the CRT Sega cabs, $1800 for the Diamond Blue, and $1500 for Grigios. Pictures are available on request; I would post more right away but we are busy with prep for the container so I'd like to only spend time taking photos of stuff people have expressed interest in.

Shipping from Dallas will be available by STI or in person pickup.

After this, we're hard at work on trying to prepare a shipment of cabinets to Seattle targeting December/January which will likely include more Sega CRT cabs, some fully restored (IMO, "like new") Aeros, and some LCD cabs plus music games. If there is interest for anything else (full cabs only) for that container, let me know and we can try and procure it.

I know there has also been some interest in cab parts; right now we are parting out an Astro and have a Blast and possibly an original Net City that are candidates for that as well. If there is anything you are interested in that can be airmailed internationally, let me know and I will see what I can do.

As always, the best way to get a very fast response and updated info is at our Discord server linked in the OP but I will try and post more info here as well!
Yeah, i seems things have changed. I get the tough titty stance/“where were you ten years ago?” at seemingly every proverbial door i knock on.

Anyway, ta for the new avenues, I’ll grab a cab somehow at some point

The sooner the better though, fighting french guys with fomo on Ronnie van der kolk’s facebook page is time consuming.
Are you on Arcade Otaku and UKVAC?

The market has definitely slowed in the last few years, but there are still cabs circulating around…
I second the above from ChrisBEANS, i've just got back in to the hobby after a couple of year break and found it fairly sparse pickings here in the UK.