Sure! It's speed, so the lower the number - the betterCan see loads of 27c801 at -100 speed but not many at -150, will 100 work OK?
Cool thanks, makes it a bit easierSure! It's speed, so the lower the number - the better
I don't have a motherboard... maybe you'd like to sell me one?!Got (3) motherboards, but put me down for (1).
Good deal!Just got x36 801s at -80 speed for £45 (all tested and blanked) Ebay UK seller, so not too bad
No clock change, its done on the clock dividers...What's the correct crystal to get for overclocking this board properly for the best game support?
According to this site P8 WILL overclock to 12mhz:1# If you got a P10 processor fitted then i have a quick way
Good news the overclock works fine
Bad news my P8 @12 gets hot very quickly and crashes and won't boot up again until cool.
As expected it will need to be changed to something faster.
Other good news, CPU seemed to take the abuse and returned back to working after cooling down.
Part swap, or get lucky with a motherboard with P10 fitted from factoryDo you think putting a big heatsink on it would be sufficient to mitigate the heat? Or is a part swap really the best solution here?
I'm not entirely surprised it crashes, that is a 50% overclock. From what I was told about fabbing these things, they're all made as P12's (or whatever the highest clock speed is) and tested, if they fail they're tested as P10's, and so on until they're stable and then that's what they're sold as. So in all likelihood, your P8 is a failed P12, etc.