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Aje_fr: Multi CPS-2 Black


Multi Boyz Overlord
Multi Boyz
May 20, 2016
Reaction score
Brisbane, Australia
Another exciting release coming from @aje_fr — Looks like a multi for the AIO CPS-2 units.

Very neat. Just picked up a MvC, was hoping to convert to Giga Wing but this sounds prettttty cool
Does this mean it's just a multi for the black cps2 games? what is it? Dimahoo, MVC, HSF2:AE, GigaWing, zero 3? Or is it everything? Why no remote board is there a menu system? so many questions...
I always preferred the CPS2 black due to it's size and not requiring an A-board. Wish I never sold all my black boards or at least kept 1 had I known someone was working on a multi for it.
Thanks djsheep for posting a message there.
You are true, the multi is for the cps2 black version.
16 games can be embedded for direct boot (every one could be overwriten)
An oled connector is also available.
Full cps2 set should be compatible with key injection.
Aje_fr makes some amazing pieces of kit - total genius...

But good luck trying to get anything let alone this multi...

Maybe try putting your message in a a bottle and hope it gets to France
Aje_fr makes some amazing pieces of kit - total genius...

But good luck trying to get anything let alone this multi...

Maybe try putting your message in a a bottle and hope it gets to France
If you post on the neo-Arcadia forum, he’s been keeping international lists there and shipping them worldwide recently.