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Afterburner Climax motor driver board issue, seat not moving


Feb 19, 2020
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We got in an after burner climax deluxe where the seat will not move and on started up I just get "Error ABX03 MOTOR DRIVE ENCODER ERROR". I think it might be an issue with the RS232 to 422 BD 839 - 1256R board but I dont know for sure.

Any one got any advice ?

Usually the error for a bad 839-1256R is different: "ABX01 - Motor Drive Communication Error"
Take out your 839-1256R board and see if it's the same error.

It's worth trying a replacement anyway as they are cheap enough around €20

Next to try is the motor board 838-14592.

Also check all your cables that everything is connected ok and the pins are making contact.
Looking at a similar issue and I am wondering if oil of some kind is required in there?

The game was giving error abx04 when I arrived. Unplugged and Replugged and now giving abx02

the wheel is not moving at all.… but I am told it did before.
Motor appears to be hard stuck. Edit: I am now thinking perhaps the brake is stuck on?
Thank you for any and all helps
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In my experience the problems are:

1. the motor driver board (careful with the one you replace with as there are a few different types that are not interchangeable and they look identical). 838-14592 is one that works.

2. the small 232 to 422 board (839-1256R) - usually the cause for error ABX01

3. The wiring (double check none of the socket receptacles have retracted in any of the many connectors)

4. The brake relay board (839-1148R).

5. Bad motor (hopefully that is not the case).

You can go into test mode and test movement and brake release. If you release the brake there you can roll it back and forth with ease.
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Thanks for these.

I tried the proper 14592 motor board.
Will try the little 232 to 422 board next
Didn’t know there was a brake relay board. Will look into it.
Will double check the connectors.

I can not go into test mode because of the error. Should I be?!
Ps : I can hear the motor “trying” here it is:

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