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A Freeware Taito TypeX2 Multigame.

If you're referring to my comments on fastio twisted I'm well aware of how it functions, it's not very complex. Either way there's a video somewhere (yeah i know) when the X3 was first coming out where Taito had a good visual model showing the latency difference between JVS and Fast IO. From what I remember it was a screen with like a turtle or train on the left side and it showed how much time elapsed between each button press on both ios. The difference was that JVS was ~3-5x slower from what I remember, it's impossible to find thanks to all the Fast IO posts on here haha

Edit: found a pic at least:
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If you're referring to my comments on fastio twisted
I wasn't. I have no doubt that when used properly it is faster than JVS but being that this is PC hardware it's heavily dependent on the developer to implement it properly. I'm more talking about the people that shit on JVS and talk up Fast IO like it's the second coming without any actual numbers to back it up; like they spent a bunch of money swapping over their setup and need to convince themselves that it was worth the investment.

I'd love to see some actual numbers on the games that support both because depending on hot it's handled by the game code it's entirely possible that there is no difference or JVS could even be faster for a given game.
My ttx2 is not working when I fired it up today. It has been a few months. Everything seems to have power. The pc is on, I know the monitor is on because If I disconnect it I get a no signal message. I don’t get any audio so I don’t think it is stuck in a game. Tried service switch and alt +f4 on a keyboard I have attached to the ps2 connector. No luck. Anyone have any other suggestions for things to try?
the sad reality, is Something prob no one knows besides me and niko n coery is alot of these games run internal fast io to jvs emulators, so effectually the games are still limited to about jvs performance.
Ha! That is super interesting. Can you say which games do this? I'm guessing the SF4 titles all use fast/io correctly i.e. not emulating it?
I think USF4 is the only native FastIO game as it was released on Nesica.
All other SF4/SSF4 games are native JVS
That is correct.

There a 3 games on nesica that actually use jvs which taito use the nescia client to pipe the fast io controls to a library similar to jconfig when it then outputs to jvs for the game "kinda"
the sad reality, is Something prob no one knows besides me and niko n coery is alot of these games run internal fast io to jvs emulators, so effectually the games are still limited to about jvs performance.
Ha! That is super interesting. Can you say which games do this? I'm guessing the SF4 titles all use fast/io correctly i.e. not emulating it?
I dont have a complete list, But a a few games as coery just mentioned use that version of the emulator, called xioemulator.dll

some other games noteable for this kind of thing are all the dual io games, like blazblue CS 2 Kof 13
they read the fast io data, then swap it over to jvs data then send it to the game fully internally

And then a number of games dont read the fast io buffer instead they copy it and view a memorymap or some other extremely slow things when you could directly just read the controls.

like all of them import the dll, and load the libs, but its what they do afterwards before a character moves is what is really dumb and bottlenecling the system so to speak
some other games noteable for this kind of thing are all the dual io games, like blazblue CS 2 Kof 13
they read the fast io data, then swap it over to jvs data then send it to the game fully internally
In KOF13 there's an option in the menu to turn on "minimize delay" or something like that. Is the purpose of this option to use FastIO correctly if the hardware is available? (I don't have FastIO, tried both options and didn't notice a difference)
No options like that i cant tell you what they do but the type of issues me and coery are talking about are deep into the game stuff that isnt changed by a toggle. it is what it is
some other games noteable for this kind of thing are all the dual io games, like blazblue CS 2 Kof 13
they read the fast io data, then swap it over to jvs data then send it to the game fully internally
I have no data, so grain of salt, but I've heard that the Japanese Blazblue tier list is different for the arcade version of the game, because the input delay is so bad they favor characters who do better without needing those super fast reactions.
some other games noteable for this kind of thing are all the dual io games, like blazblue CS 2 Kof 13
BB CS uses basically a similar method to how Niko reads out the controls for JVS in his JVS to KB lib.

Basically the game reads the FIO controls and then translates them via bit shifting in a big IF table
What it translate in to is the same "keycodes" JVS uses.
The game then reads from this DST memory region for controls.

This method would only add a very minimal over head compared to native FIO and will still be significantly faster than JVS

As for KOF 13. no idea. hate the game so never really looked at it.
Okey. Thats sounds like a nice option to have.
I bought a type x2 today. And got the multi working right now.
I had one for a few years ago but sold it.
So stupid, now i fucking love my X2 :thumbsup:
If you're referring to my comments on fastio twisted
I wasn't. I have no doubt that when used properly it is faster than JVS but being that this is PC hardware it's heavily dependent on the developer to implement it properly. I'm more talking about the people that shit on JVS and talk up Fast IO like it's the second coming without any actual numbers to back it up; like they spent a bunch of money swapping over their setup and need to convince themselves that it was worth the investment.
I'd love to see some actual numbers on the games that support both because depending on hot it's handled by the game code it's entirely possible that there is no difference or JVS could even be faster for a given game.
Quite literally the only reason I bought my fastIO hardware was to play nesica titles before they got JVS support on the multi, I couldn't care one bit about how much faster it is than JVS :P .