
  1. RyanDeopante

    Mapping buttons on CPS3

    Hello all! Relatively new here and new to owning arcade hardware. If this isn’t the correct place to post please let me know. Recently bought a super gun 3.0 (blue one being advertised) and having trouble getting my bottom 3 buttons picked up on my cps3 on 3S test screen (lk/mk/hk) through the...
  2. A

    FS HAS Supergun with 3P/4P adapter expansion

    I have an older model HAS supergun for sale. Includes 3P/4P expansion board. The power cable was modified to work with a standard 9-pin molex "box style" arcade power supply, rather than a screw-terminal. Video cable not included. (But one is typically not included with the HAS anyway) What you...
  3. S

    The Winchester Jamma Supergun

    Ive been working on my own supergun design for a few years and its finally coming together. I'm calling it the Winchester and the goal is to create a supergun that is compact and functional by itself. The features are: Component video encoding LM1881 sync cleaning THS7376 video...
  4. AlxUnderBase

    SOLD HAS Supergun V3.1 + Accesories

    Here is for sale a used HAS Supergun V3.1 The package contain : 1 x HAS Supergun (V3.1) - The V3.1 uses the renowned "made in Japan" Hirose brand JAMMA connector with generous gold plating on contacts and general solid feel to it, however these connectors are known for their fragile connector...
  5. D

    Advice for wavy video interference on MVS

    Hello :) I'm getting wavy video (the picture waves back and forth) interference on my MV1F & MV1C using a Parsec Supergun when playing on my 2 CRT TVs (and on my LCD displays using a retrotink). View: My setup is: Parsec Supergun (using the RGB (into a Retrotink...
  6. T

    Naomi 2 problem

    Hey everyone, by the end of last year, I was able to purchase a Sega Naomi 2 with a Raspberry Pi (PiForce Tools 1.5 installed) and a NetDimm (firmware 3.17) Since the whole real arcade hardware was new to me, I had to buy several additional items afterwards (which I didn't knew back then I...
  7. Matan

    My ABP-01 Supergun

    Hello all, I've been working for some time on a SuperGun that will allow meto enjoy my few but selected arcade pcbs'. The idea was a simple,sleek design that will include several features such as:2 player support, S-Video support, kick harness support and internal PSU. Here are a few photos of...
  8. Matan

    The ABP-01 Supergun

    Helloall, I've been working for some time on a SuperGun that will allow meto enjoy my few but selected arcade pcbs'. The idea was a simple,sleek design that will include several features such as: Not toocosty, 2 player support, S-Video support and a kick harness support. Hereare a few photos of...
  9. Morden

    Vogatek Supergun MK IV

    Ok, so today I picked up my Vogatek MK IV, which got me really excited about dusting off some of the old boards. I don't have a cabinet at the moment, so it's been *a while* since I played any of them. Vogatek Superguns are simple enough. Plug in the board, plug in the SCART, the PC PSU, a...
  10. penrhos

    Pana Custom supergun - Stripdown

    I bought a broken PANA Custom supergun from YAJ as it wasn't getting any bids so the price was nice and low. So for the grand sum of 9,800 YEN (inc postage & fees) it was mine. It sat in SMJ storage for a month while I picked up some other bulky goodies and then I sea freighted the lot back to...
  11. SmokeMonster

    Customized Home Arcade System HAS Supergun

    I posted a few pictures a while ago of the first set of LEDs that I added to my HAS. I replaced those today with two 10cm blue LED strips from eBay. They look better and give a more even glowing effect to the bottom acrylic panel. New 10cm LED strips installed. I never place...
  12. invzim

    Audio attenuation (JVS2jamma upscaler thingy)

    So researching this a bit, and analog stuff is not my strong side. Took a look at what the namco, konami and riverservice jvs 2 jamma boards do when it comes to audio attenuation. Observations: The namco board obviously has some kind of error in mono mode. All have electrolytic capacitors...
  13. B

    Supergun PCB - Laptop Brick PSU, Video Encoder, Kick harness port

    Howdy Folks! This is my first post. I have been interested in making and selling Superguns a few years now. My first and only supergun was in a shoebox. That was all I had a budget for at the time. The wiring and arcade power supply were inside the shoebox and was an accident waiting to happen...
  14. Matan

    MVS and jamma issue

    Dear all, I'm building a supergun for the first time. I read about the fact that MVS has some sound issues when using a standard jamma connector. I got a wiring diagram from Google indicating some switches that are need to be used, it was not so clear to me. Please share your experience and...