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  1. K

    Nanao MS9 Series Monitor Sharpness Mod Kit

    I already did it, I used the ones I had. Great results. TY for putting the guide together :)
  2. K

    Nanao MS9 Series Monitor Sharpness Mod Kit

    Hiyall, I'm wondering about those diodes. What should the intensity be on those? The ones I have are rated 0.250A and I'm worried of running short. Everything else I already have it on hand. -Apologies, I intended to post this on the other G1 thread, but I got it wrong 😅-
  3. K

    Sega NVS-4000-01 Power Supply

    If anyone know of an available drop-in replacement for the NVS-4000 fan I'm also interested! :)
  4. K

    PGM single game PCB interest check

    I'm also down for a set of the three CAVE titles in carts. I want to play them and I could solder the ics but I dont know how to program eeproms.
  5. K

    Rebuilding a SEGA Astro City - Help needed with NVS 4000 PSU and loom

    Thank you Nem, yes i'll browse for that thread. Also any recommendation for speakers?
  6. K

    Rebuilding a SEGA Astro City - Help needed with NVS 4000 PSU and loom

    I guess this is the one I need, right? It's specified for a 400-5198 SEGA PSU.
  7. K

    Rebuilding a SEGA Astro City - Help needed with NVS 4000 PSU and loom

    It doesnt even have speakers :) Alternatively, and while i scoop for an Astro City loom, could I just hook up whatever board to an standard arcade PSU, and hook up the MS9 straight to the AC 110V line from the stepdown converter? I would only need the AC IN and rgbs connectors from the chassis...
  8. K

    Rebuilding a SEGA Astro City - Help needed with NVS 4000 PSU and loom

    Hiyall! So I'm basically rebuilding an Astro City cab that was empty. No tube, no chassis, no power supply nor isolation transformer. It has been running with a Philips CRT and a mister inside of it and I set the goal of restoring it in order to run arcade games. So far I got an step-down...
  9. K

    FS USD Price Check: Egret 3 Blast City

    Ronnie from RKLOK sold one Egret 3 last november, 2500€ with Toshiba. Also a NOS illumination panel for 200€
  10. K

    FS USD Price Check: Egret 3 Blast City

    But there is a price check thread in the forums they will give you better advice there :)
  11. K

    FS USD Price Check: Egret 3 Blast City

    ~2100 €:Blast ~2300 € E3 ~2500 € E3 with Toshiba
  12. K

    FS Arcade parts

    Hiya! Interested in the Sega frame, I'll PM u
  13. K

    FS Taito Group Purchase Thread - Round 1 (Egret 2 OEM Stickers/Decals)

    Hello! If I'm in time I'll take one set as well :)
  14. K

    In this thread we tube and yoke swap monitors

    Hi again. So I managed to fit nicely the Thomson tube in the Astro cage. I paired it with a Hantarex Polo as @nem suggested and the image is quite good. I played ghost and goblins for around half an hour and it felt great, but when I switched game on mister this happened: It's similar...
  15. K

    In this thread we tube and yoke swap monitors

    Hello again. I've measured the resistance on the yoke, it's 9.6 and 1.6 ohms. I can get a hold of a Polo 1 chassis and also a Polo 2 110°. Do you think any of those can fit this tube? Or at least be sure the chassis wont blow? Thanks for helping a newbie out.
  16. K

    In this thread we tube and yoke swap monitors

    Thank you nem. I'll try to fit it into the cab and just use the TV chassis. I just can't live with that burned monitor no more. I'll also give the flyback a look see if I can atleast stop the spark until I get a replacement. Will post results during the weekend.
  17. K

    In this thread we tube and yoke swap monitors

    Hi there, I have a very burned tube inside an Astro and I was hoping maybe this one will fit. It's a THOMSON tube from a TV set with the same name. I just grabbed the TV for next to nothing thinking that it might be the right curvature. This set has excellent colors, and a very bright image...
  18. K

    Astro City Monitor replacement

    Do you know if someone has performed a yoke swap as well? MS8 or MS9 chassis. I'm looking for information on this tube.
  19. K

    Sega Astro City screen upside down.

    Apologies, should have been more specific. I'm using MiSTer in the Ghost's and goblins pic, not original hardware. It appears like that because that's how it boots when using the Jotego core, if I pull the MiSTer OSD, the menu appears upside down as well. I'll look up on nem's sugestión and...