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    Multi driver

    Hey all, is there any way we can devise an interface for a multi driver? As a home enthusiast, I’m always infuriated at the inability to swap boards in driving games. If I want to play 1000 different fighting games, the only difference between all of them is whether they use a -5v or what style...
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    Random dumb question

    Does anyone run a IGS PGM in a Dynamo HS-5? My Raiden Fighters 2 is my primary shmup cab, and given the weird design on the Dynamo HS-5’s drawer, it doesn’t give much clearance to mount the board cartridge slot up with the PCB feet under it. Was curious if anyone had any better setup options...
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    WTB What’s a Fighting Layer running for these days?

    This. Kinda want one, but I’m curious if Mister will get to System 12 before I find a reasonable one.
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    ZN1 vs. ZN2 board.

    Hey all, I grabbed what was advertised as a Zn-2 A board, but I got it and it plainly says Zn-1 on it. Given the similarities between the two with the rom board on, I wanted to check before I sent it back if any Zn-2 A boards are labeled ZN-1.
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    ZN1 vs. ZN2 board.

    Hey all, I grabbed what was advertised as a Zn-2 A board, but I got it and it plainly says Zn-1 on it. Given the similarities between the two with the rom board on, I wanted to check before I sent it back if any Zn-2 A boards are labeled ZN-1.
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    WTB Capcom IO

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    Jamma to JVS converters for New Net City

    Has anyone ordered the eBay models? Are they any good? Do they run the -5 properly if I want to pop in say KI or Rival Schools into my NNC? Or should I just wait 6mo for the Axunworks version to ship to me?
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    Title kinda says it all. Located in MA.
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    TTX3 multi change

    Hey all, my TTX3 multi, running the July 2021 FastIO 720p Artax multi (TTX3/ring edge/ES3, no NAOMI/etc.) suddenly started outputting in 640x480 and I have no idea why or what caused the change. Anyone know enough about this to help me with it?
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    WTB vegas 777 IO.

    Wtb vegas IO board
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    IDE Simulator

    Hey all, anyone know where I can source an IDE sim to build the multi?
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    WTB IDE simulator for Namco 2x6

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    Hi all! Working on a frankenvegas, I ordered an I/O board for it, the person said it was a Vegas I/O, and I can’t tell what it’s from, but it doesn’t have a standard U37 PIC. Can anyone identify this IO and determine if it’s compatible with gauntlet dark legacy?
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    How do you know if your Cave PGM cartridges are legit?

    That’s pretty much it. Lol. I want to grab the Cave ones but I ideally don’t want bootlegs that will act up.
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    House of the dead 2 DX

    Hi all! I recently grabbed a HOTD2 DX. The projection screen hardware is missing from the unit. I’m wondering what the best conversion would be for it: I’m not finding many good LCD fits for the 40 inch width frame, plus it still has the actual screen attached, and I also have no idea how to...
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    WTB customized JAMMA harness for Dynamo Showcase

    Hi all, I need to buy a most likely custom Jamma harness for a Dynamo Showcase cabinet. I can provide the pinout for the control panel pedestal/kick harness, and photos of the monitor, which doesn’t use the standard RGB 5 pin connection. Thanks in advance!
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    WTB Vegas IO Board

    WTB Midway Vegas IO board. Price negotiable depending on condition.
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    WTB Sega ST-V/Die Hard control panel.

    There’s one on eBay right now that looks pretty beat for only $50 but has $100+ shipping. Was curious if anyone here had one for cheaper?
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    Connector for this super gun’s power?

    Looking for what type of connector this super gun I grabbed takes… looks like some kind of molex connector maybe?
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    Looking for KI repairs?

    Looking for someone to take a crack at repairing a KI board. Has black screen red light, and a missing/loose resistor near JAMMA edge at like L39 or so.