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I have a strange sound issue with my multi board. All games working well, but some newer CPS2 games like Street Fighter Alpha 3, Progear or Vampire Savior have heavy sound glitches. It sounds like the samples are misplaced or wrong addressed, to put it simply, it's like Ken would say "Yoga Flame" instead of "Hadoken". Therefore the sound fx and music is completely messed up in those games. I read a lot of threads here about sound issues but funny is that most of my games actually working. (Like Street Fighter Alpha 2, D&D, Vampire Hunter).

My B board is a 93646B-3 (Grey SFZero2) and my jumpers are SOOS SO OSOSOS SOSOSOSO SOSOSOSO (As it says in the manual) The Pal is lifted and all wires are fine. I have checked all jumpers with a DMM, also checked the continuity of all pins from the Darksoft board to the A borad. I tried different SD cards with different ROM Sets (Also with decrypted ROMs) but no success yet. Is there something wrong with e QSound addressing? Unfortunately I don't have another A borad to test it. Any ideas?
I see that you have the older version. Was it working well before? When was last working well? It could be some of the long pins gone broken or the PAL/GAL chip. Did you write that yourself or came with the multi? Also please check that the Jumpers are actually being S or O with a multimeter. Don't trust your eye on this one, trust the meter.

Please let us know.
I bought it some years ago and it never worked well (Although the seller claimed it was working before shipping) After all, thanks to the informations here I could make it work for the most Games but some newer CPS2 games like Street Fighter Alpha 3, Progear or Vampire Savior still have heavy sound glitches. Yes I checked all Jumpers several times with a Mulitmeter. The PAL Chip was already on the board and I tried all possibilities of its connection as well. Sometimes before the borad was freezing, but since I resetted the boards and rewrote the SD card it work so far. Expect the glitching sound on the newer CPS2 games...
I bought it some years ago and it never worked well (Although the seller claimed it was working before shipping) After all, thanks to the informations here I could make it work for the most Games but some newer CPS2 games like Street Fighter Alpha 3, Progear or Vampire Savior still have heavy sound glitches. Yes I checked all Jumpers several times with a Mulitmeter. The PAL Chip was already on the board and I tried all possibilities of its connection as well. Sometimes before the borad was freezing, but since I resetted the boards and rewrote the SD card it work so far. Expect the glitching sound on the newer CPS2 games...
Did you check the long pins? Are they in good shape? Also, did you try to upload the latest firmware from here: https://www.arcade-projects.com/thr...tions-and-videos-old-version-till-10-2020.21/ ?

Btw, as you have the old version, I'll move your posts to the section for older multi previous to 10.2020.
Just tried downloading the latest firmware (for the old version) as I'm finally getting around to upgrading mine for key writing, but the mediafire link seems broken.
Canwe see a close-up pic of your sound jumpers?
I just checked them again with the multimeter and they are like SOOS SO OSOSOS SOSOSOSO SOSOSOSO. What about this replaced yellowish chip in the last photo?


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Did you check the long pins? Are they in good shape? Also, did you try to upload the latest firmware from here: https://www.arcade-projects.com/thr...tions-and-videos-old-version-till-10-2020.21/ ?

Btw, as you have the old version, I'll move your posts to the section for older multi previous to 10.2020.
The pins are all fine and the board is well connected to the CPS2, I also lifted and reconnected all ROM chips on the whole CPS2 and made sure there are no broken traces or bad solder joints on the CPS2 . Also shorted the EX5 close to the battery...

In oder to update my firmware I have to get a STM32F4DISCOVERY tool first right?
What about this replaced yellowish chip in the last photo?
That is a fix that was done to the 1st version. It's OK.
The pins are all fine and the board is well connected to the CPS2, I also lifted and reconnected all ROM chips on the whole CPS2 and made sure there are no broken traces or bad solder joints on the CPS2 . Also shorted the EX5 close to the battery...
which ROM chips are you talking about? Can you please elaborate?
In oder to update my firmware I have to get a STM32F4DISCOVERY tool first right?
No, I copy it to the root of the microSD. It should be unzipped and called flash.img. You will see an extra led on the multi flash, after that the file should have been deleted from the microSD if the update went well. The first few versions of the multi came without this feature and you needed the SM32F4DISCOVERY. If the file is not deleted and you don't see an update, then I'm afraid you'll need the SMT32F4DISCOVERY
which ROM chips are you talking about? Can you please elaborate?

Just the ROM on the Motherboard, I had some CPS1 boards and others with issues because some ROM legs didn't make good conntact anymore after shipping (vibration)
No, I copy it to the root of the microSD. It should be unzipped and called flash.img. You will see an extra led on the multi flash, after that the file should have been deleted from the microSD if the update went well. The first few versions of the multi came without this feature and you needed the SM32F4DISCOVERY. If the file is not deleted and you don't see an update, then I'm afraid you'll need the SMT32F4DISCOVERY
I copied the unzipped flash.img directly and without any game folders to the microSD, but the dispaly just says "No SD card detected". What I am most curious about this is, why it only happens to those games, and what cause the wrong sample addressing. Is there a way to recognize what version of multi I have here?
Just the ROM on the Motherboard, I had some CPS1 boards and others with issues because some ROM legs didn't make good conntact anymore after shipping (vibration)
My question was if you could confirm that no ROM/Eprom is installed on the B Board of your CPS2.
I copied the unzipped flash.img directly and without any game folders to the microSD, but the dispaly just says "No SD card detected". What I am most curious about this is, why it only happens to those games, and what cause the wrong sample addressing. Is there a way to recognize what version of multi I have here?
That's weird. Can you try with another microSD? Can you please check if the file has been deleted on your existing card? I would assume no. Try with a much smaller microSD. 2Gb or 4Gb and just copy that file. Let me know how it goes, please.
My question was if you could confirm that no ROM/Eprom is installed on the B Board of your CPS2.
Nothing expect the PAL (with lifted leg and jumper wire) and those 2 same sized ones next to the PAL
That's weird. Can you try with another microSD? Can you please check if the file has been deleted on your existing card? I would assume no. Try with a much smaller microSD. 2Gb or 4Gb and just copy that file. Let me know how it goes, please.
I copied the flash.img to a blank 4GB card and started it up (a Game was still loaded in the CPS2 B Board), after that the file was deleted, so the update was successfull? However still have the same weird sound addressing.
Yes, good news. Update was successful and you have the latest possible firmware. Can you try now to format the microsd just in case something got corrupted and load a couple of games again. If nothing changes, then can you try the VERIFY romsets that are in the troubleshooting post? Thanks
Yes, good news. Update was successful and you have the latest possible firmware. Can you try now to format the microsd just in case something got corrupted and load a couple of games again. If nothing changes, then can you try the VERIFY romsets that are in the troubleshooting post? Thanks
Okay both files 01010101 and 10101010 reported the verifying back with a "All done have fun" message on the LCD. But still no change
Then the multi is probably OK. Could be one or more of the buffers. If you want me to try to repair it, send me a PM. It will have a cost, obviously.

The LCD screen on my controller board has become barely visible. Is there a way for me to fix this or get a replacement for the lcd screen?
The brightness pot doesn't affect it?