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Capcom "Forgotten Worlds' Spinner Repro by Hursit Official Interest Check Poll

How many would you preorder/buy?

  • 1

    Votes: 33 24.6%
  • 2

    Votes: 84 62.7%
  • 3

    Votes: 5 3.7%
  • 4

    Votes: 11 8.2%
  • 5+

    Votes: 1 0.7%

  • Total voters


Nov 14, 2015
Reaction score
The Capcom "Forgotten Worlds' CPS1 Spinner is well underway to being reproduced by @hursit.
These spinners will work with the original CPS1 pcb and as well with the expected CPS1 multi-board by @Darksoft

  • The expected price per spinner at this point is $180-230
The spinner(s) will include a 4-5ft wire harness to connect to the CPS1 boardset/darksoft multi.​
  • The expected price per bare repro control panel is $100-119

UPDATE! 09/08/21





We are working to get a better price from vendors/fabricators, but in order to lower it further, we would need to commit to having 200+ spinners fabricated.
The larger the order the lower the end price per unit will be. Various parts needed to be cnc machined, others require injection molds, etc...
We are at the mercy of current market conditions/pricing on materials and services.

We also want to make these able to work with PC/Emulation, Mister, Other Original Arcade Hardware, etc...
Maybe some user-created adapters can be made.

There are plans for a slimmer version to be made that can fit shallower cab control panels like the Taito Vewlix.

Parts are already coming in for the first few test repro spinners to be built.


These are what is being reproed.

We will also offer the repro (unpopulated) Sega-style panels with artwork made by @codecrank if he is ok with it. If not, other artwork will be made.
Egret II-type panels might also be a possibility. *Populated panels might be an option at the time of sale.

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What's the expected price though?

I’d most likely be in for 2.
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What's the expected price though?
We are aiming at the lower side of the $180-230 range per spinner. We want to sell them at the lowest price possible. So to get the price per unit lower we would need to secure orders of 200+ spinners to do that. The price of materials and services has skyrocketed but we are trying our best to lower the price.
I only need 1, but i would gladly buy 2 to help the cause. Heck, after i put a shiny new one in my panel, my old one would look so bad that i'd want to replace it too, so im in for 2!!!! ...lol
Spread the word guys, we will be opening up preorders soon. These will be made regardless, but the more orders we can secure the lower the price can all get.
I'd be interested in a pair of spinners, but ideally a complete panel for use in a Vewlix would be my preference.
I'd be interested in a pair of spinners, but ideally a complete panel for use in a Vewlix would be my preference.
I would like this also since I have quite a few vewlixs still, but, it would require a redesign. Im sure in time we can make it happen, but for now, we are concentrating on a replica of the original. Thanks for the suggestion :thumbsup:
I'm down, but to answer how many and what kind, a couple questions if you would.

  • What other games if any you think these would work for?
  • Forgotten worlds core on mister, any idea how to connect the two if any? (I plan on getting cps1 multi but more options the better this might sell).
  • The sega panel come in 1p variant? Sega Versus owner :)
I'm down, but to answer how many and what kind, a couple questions if you would.

  • What other games if any you think these would work for?
  • Forgotten worlds core on mister, any idea how to connect the two if any? (I plan on getting cps1 multi but more options the better this might sell).
  • The sega panel come in 1p variant? Sega Versus owner :)
There was another 1 or 2 games that had support for spinners. But Darksoft had mentioned that he would adapt more games on the CPS1 multi to work with spinners if there was enough interest.
Also, dont see any reason why these would not work with just about any spinner based game, even if you need some type of adapter made up.

If the mister core is accurate, dont see why it would not have support for the spinner, as to how it would hook I would not know, but Im pretty sure it should be simple enough for them work that out. Let them know repro spinner are incoming, might have to send a spinner to whoever is developing the core so they can test it out :)

Up to Hursit to decide if he wants to make a 1P panel version, dont see why not though.

Unpopulated panels will be $119 I believe.
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I'm down for 1, maybe a second later. I've never played the game with a spinner, so I'm honestly not even sure if I'll like it lol. That being said, this is a really cool project so I'd like to support it.
What other games if any you think these would work for?
Any game that supports spinners 360deg wheels should be able to use this
-The Arkanoid Series
-Puzz Loop Series
-Great 1000 Mile Rally series
-Drift Out
-Puchi Carat

lots of 2-way games can work with this too (A-al the Brizzo Spinner board) such as the Puzzle Bobble Series, 2-way shmups like Space Invaders, galaga etc.
more here: https://www.arcade-projects.com/threads/using-spinner-to-play-ng-jamma-games.3602/

none of these use the push function of the spinner though, AFAIK Eco-Fighters on CPS2 I think is the only other game that is designed specifically for this spinner with the push function.

Forgotten worlds core on mister, any idea how to connect the two if any?
it looks like there is a driver/adapter for spinner control in Mister: https://github.com/MiSTer-devel/Retro-Controllers-USB-MiSTer/tree/master/PaddleTwoControllersUSB
in for 4
Any game that supports spinners 360deg wheels should be able to use this
-The Arkanoid Series
-Puzz Loop Series
-Great 1000 Mile Rally series
-Drift Out
-Puchi Carat

lots of 2-way games can work with this too (A-al the Brizzo Spinner board) such as the Puzzle Bobble Series, 2-way shmups like Space Invaders, galaga etc.
more here: https://www.arcade-projects.com/threads/using-spinner-to-play-ng-jamma-games.3602/

none of these use the push function of the spinner though, AFAIK Eco-Fighters on CPS2 I think is the only other game that is designed specifically for this spinner with the push function.

it looks like there is a driver/adapter for spinner control in Mister: https://github.com/MiSTer-devel/Retro-Controllers-USB-MiSTer/tree/master/PaddleTwoControllersUSB
Re: Eco fighters- doesn't that need something *else* to be able to use these?
This is a very cool project. I wish I was into Forgotten Worlds that much, or had a cab free that I'd put this in. As it is I think spending $500-600 for a package is probably not really worth it for me, so I'm not adding to the votes. But I hope there are enough fans to make this a reality.
Thanks for the replies. Think we should get the mister community aware of this project. More sales. Also come up with the boards/adapters needed if we wanna use this on other hardware/games. Will help sales. If you want this to go viral you can hit up smokemonster to write an article or contact bob from retrorgb.

I'm in for 4. I would like 2* 1p populated panels then an additional 2* spinners alone. If no 1p panels are made I'll get the 2p panel pictured above. This number depends on final price of course. I won't leave you hanging if you ordered me four for prices suggested above though. Let's do our best to get prices down!