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Jan 17, 2016
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The Netherlands
While cleaning out my NNC I came across the small PCB seen on the right side.
What is it used for?

It reads: System 256 S-CONV PCB
And according this thread it is part of the card reader, is that it or does it have any other use?
Requirements for 256 to run the IC card reader and connected questions

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Edit: Derp I didn't read the Post..... No idea what that little board on the right is lol

Original responce
pretty much is a Sega jvs I/o Board.
Has both Analog and digital inputs

this site has a pinout

Just make sure to:
Power it (cn7)
connect it to jvs gameboard via a usb cable (ie: naomi)
And wire up what ever I/o you need. (probably Digital I/o)

Here is someone using the analog inputs to connect a steering wheel

Very handy board if you are willing to do the wiring.
Looks like a model/variation of the SEGA JVS I/O. The tiny one looks like RS232 voltage converters.
A better close up picture of the little pcb might help to identify it better.
its pcd that is connected between a card reader and a system 256. as far as im aware it has no other use
thanks for the confirmation, in that case I will just leave it in the cab as is, but leave it disconnected :)
I see two RS232 interfaces 3222UECY which are IC1 and IC2. I can't see what IC3 is. It's probably a signal translator.
Yep. Had one in my Tekken 5 cabinet, before I ripped all the guts out of it, and sold it off. It's simply I/O for the card readers. Nothing more.
Thanks guys, makes sense that it is in my cab as I have a Tekken version of the NNC.
I have left it in for now, not connected to anything and tidied up the cables :)
Sorry to be late to the party on this one,

I have a Tekken 5 Dark Resurrection set with card readers.

The one larger port on the board connects to the card reader while the other large port connects to the cable that hooks into the E-Card Board which connects into the 256 main pcb.

I have made a video on youtube about how I hook up my 256 with card readers. The card reader stuff starts around 9:43.

Cool! Thanks for the info!
Might be nice to try if I get a 1P panel with a card reader :D