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Aug 17, 2016
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Seattle, WA
Found a "working" VF3 board that works great, but... no audio. Is this a common problem with these boards? I've been search the interwebs to see if there is a jumper or common component failure on these boards to cause audio loss, but nothing yet. Hoping someone here might have an idea. Thanks!
I had a Harley-Davidson M3 Step 2 that had this problem; it was a Virtua Striker 2 conversion from China. Maaaaaaaaaaaaaan I wish I had done the same thing instead of destroying the CPU board with the wrong equipment in attempts to repair it. You learn from your collecting habits. Fortunately I saved the ROM and video board from it and I got a working original set now. :)
There was a DSB I had from a Super GT (Scud Race) that was all filthy and it wouldn't play the Expert music. A little soak in Blow-Off Electronics cleaner and canned air did the trick fortunately.
I also had a Manx TT Model 2A ROM Board that was also a conversion using an outdated MAME dump with corrupt Japanese speech. It wouldn't play sound sometimes, but that was just due a bad connection since the sound worked fine on Sega Rally.