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Nov 28, 2023
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Hi, im a proude new owner of a diamond orange with ttx4 and usb io (by the way..... im in germany). Bios is on developer mode (as far as i can tell, my preowner did that). I dont now how to enter the bios, nor have the pw.
My big problem: On a ssd i have SF5, already installed multi Artax on a new SSD. But no controls. I have an usb io board. dont want to buy such a 3rd party pcb and have to cut wires.
I would like to keep the cap as original as possible. How to solve that problem? As i understand (as a newbee..) i cant buy a jvs or fast io board. How can i get the multi artax to check my inputs? It boots into frontend.
Other problem. the fans are very loud, if i could get inside of the bios, i would drop the fans to 50%. Is that possible?

I want to play on my new machine, what is the usb io good for? Or is there another good multi or something?

Thanks in advance for your help.
from what i know you wont get the Multi working on a USB i/o , i ran my TTX4 with that on a Fast i/o removed from a Type X3
from what i know you wont get the Multi working on a USB i/o , i ran my TTX4 with that on a Fast i/o removed from a Type X3
Hi Tonybolony!

Can you post a pic of your TTX4 with the Fast io PCI-e? If possible, a photo of the interior to see how you have assembled it.

A lot of thanks!
i dont have it with me now, i am using a Sega Alls with a fast i/o from a type X3 lol
its just plug in and off you go though
i dont have it with me now, i am using a Sega Alls with a fast i/o from a type X3 lol
its just plug in and off you go though

Hi Again Tonybolony.

I just need to know where to connect those two connectors (RS1 and FP1) on the motherboard.

I little hint would be appreciated!


I’m assuming fp1 would replace the fp header on taito x4 and the other one goes to a com port?
Look at the x3 mobo look where the originally connect- should be labels on mobo
Find equivalent on x4 mobo
RS1 and FP1 not need to be connected. Just the pci card plugged and the small board connected for input.
(if you need only fast io)
Work great on my Alls and Ttx4
Here's integrated into an Alls.


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For working led, you need to add the "FP1" to the Pci card.
Break out carefully the white wire from the FP1 connector on the motherboard and connect it to USB +5V pin.
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For working led, you need to add the "FP1" to the Pci card.
Break out carefully the white wire from the FP1 connector on the motherboard and connect it to USB +5V pin.
Ty! I was able to break it out from the header and found a 5v source nearby that was close enough. The 5v from speaker header!

Yes, Artax can be installed on Alls, but you need to add drivers (LTSC haven't them you need to update).