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Built my jassfier today. Adjusted it with my CPS2 and now it looks great! @jassin000 BTW, What screws did you use for the VGA connector and what JAMMA extender do you use?
@Plastic I have a huge bin of screws I've harvested from dead/scrapped electronics (everything from computers to cellphones to microwave ovens).
So I'm not really sure other than to say something I had that fit. ;)

The JAMMA extender came from eBay, I think it was listed as "best extension on eBay" or some other such silliness (spoiler its not really that great).
What we need is for @RGB to make another batch of that kickass extension he made (includes CPS2 style kicks).

Could I use this to send a 15khz signal from a VGA card to a standard arcade monitor? (like an arcadeVGA).

No, I believe this product was just to attenuate JAMMA level (original hardware) signals to VGA compatible levels.
I love my Jassifier. It cleans up video noise on any device. and terminates at 75ohm.

It makes a big difference on my VGA 19" monitors even after the VGA Splitfire supposed 75 Ohm termination.

If someone needs a board to populate. I believe I have 3 left that I would be willing to let go for cost and ship.
I’m looking to build one of those.
What is U1 part reference?
THS7314 ?
The whole BOM is gone, if someone still has it it would be great
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I’m looking to build one of those.
What is U1 part reference?
THS7314 ?
The whole BOM is gone, if someone still has it it would be great
I think I still have it somewhere. If someone doesnt post it, I will do it later tonight.