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Jan 6, 2019
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United Kingdom
Hi there everyone, so I recently bought a SC PCB, really nice condition for a good price and I was super happy about it until I selected Kilik character. I did couple of fights and started to notice something weird about his attacks animations. After a while I realized they are broken (not all), they looked really stupid and they missed most the time, did no damage or registered hit randomly. After some time trying figure out what's wrong with the board I ended up downloading MAME emulator and the game and I discovered that its a bug in the game and its present in all JAP/ASIA and US revisions (available in mame) but its finally fixed in World revision (SOC12/VER. A2). If you want to check do you have that BUG select Kilik and press up+B button (vertical attack) if he turns around weirdly instead of jumping and attack its BUG version. This affects Seong Mina because she shares animations with Kilik and behave exactly the same when executed attacks that are the same that Kilik have.
View: https://youtu.be/6KZt-nhKrYw?si=KNU6tI68dDGPu9AO
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