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Aug 24, 2015
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Hi! Any suggestions on shipping a RingEdge unit?

Sure I've read somewhere about CPU coolers coming loose in transit...
That a major problem, or just bad luck?

When I got sent my RingEdge 2 they packed the inside pretty tight with a bunch of bubble wrap to ensure nothing would come loose. It showed up in good condition and un-damaged. The packer definitely knew what they were doing though.
When I got sent my RingEdge 2 they packed the inside pretty tight with a bunch of bubble wrap to ensure nothing would come loose. It showed up in good condition and un-damaged. The packer definitely knew what they were doing though.
So just some bubble wrap in and around the CPU cooler could suffice then. I asked about removing the heat sink and the reply was ‘we don’t have anyone with the right skills for this task’ (yes, currently sitting with a forwarding company).
I just bubble wrap them and throw them in a box. No problems yet.

Maybe you're confusing it with a Model 3/Hikaru? I've heard of TONS of issues shipping these, where some of the BGA chips pop off or something crazy, I don't know.
I just bubble wrap them and throw them in a box. No problems yet.

Maybe you're confusing it with a Model 3/Hikaru? I've heard of TONS of issues shipping these, where some of the BGA chips pop off or something crazy, I don't know.
No, they are also infamous for having the heatsinks come off in shipment.

I think putting bubble wrap inside such that there's some support for it sounds like a good idea, but make sure the person receiving it knows that it's there.
@KaPH33n Its me, I'm the one receiving :)

Don't suppose anyone has a picture of a RingEdge with bubblewrap packed inside?
Just trying to communicate as clearly as possible!
You have to pack it really tight with bubblewrap. There has to be enough to support the cooler, otherwise I don't see how it's going to help at all. Personally, I would probably fashion something out of cardboard. There's less give in that than bubblewrap.

Anyway, if it's with a forwarding company that likely has no clue / little interest in what you're asking them to do, I would request it to be shipped in a large enough box filled with packing peanuts, and then pray to the shipping gods. Packing peanuts will dampen any hard drops and hopefully keep the cooler from being knocked out.