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3rd question / note I think the silkscreen layer is labeled incorrectly for bottom right pin on header to Pi.

It is marked -- 3 SDA GPIO3 --

I think is should be marked -- 3 SDA GPIO2 --
Sidenote, it looks like my multi cart is different than that one you originally designes this switcher for. My dips are right under the switcher pcb and you can see that it overhangs the cart with enough room to make the header for Pi fit so I could bottom mount.

Als note, I direct powered to the Pi to save buying USB header and extra cable

I got this first one built tonight. Couple questions @BladeZX (when you get a chance, I know you're swamped right now)

1. What is 8gb! is the micro holding all the rom files also? It seems crazy big for code to switch games? I would love to get away from using all those 322s if I can!

2. Would you be okay if I used your KiCad file to modify this to change pinout location so we could mount the Pi Zero from below directly to the switcher pcb so the only cable needed would be 5v GND and reset to the PCB? I think there is a ton of room avail that hangs off the side of the multi card where we could slip the Pi up and under?

1. Roms are not on the sd card - they are loaded on the rom chips on the S16 board. I am sure the sd image could be made smaller

2. No problem
@BladeZX - LEGENDARY design. Got it programmed, fuses set and running tonight.
Wifi switching is PERFECT.

The original Pi version is up and running!

Board I had printed with Gerbers and Drill files I made from KiCad file you posted work great.
If anyone needs a switcher board, DM me, and I will get you squared away.

Mad props to @BladeZX again, great idea, love switching from phone or laptop.

OK I will try and get mine out and run thru some testing to see if I can reproduce
I am going to be very busy this week
Over the weekend we deployed a big project into Production at work so things will be crazy this week
I had 91 hours at work last week and I am beat up
Did you ever get a chance to take a look at this one? I have the original WiFi enable Pi version up and running (its perfect) but wanted to get the OLED version working also.
I apologize - I have been swamped with work and have not had time to do anything
Are you saying the buttons on it are not working?
Ah ok you are talking about the new design
Yes I need to grab that board out of the cabinet and test it out
I really need to clone myself lol
Ah ok you are talking about the new design
Yes I need to grab that board out of the cabinet and test it out
I really need to clone myself lol
Just checking in on this one to see if you have had a chance to take another look. Thanks!
Just checking in on this one to see if you have had a chance to take another look. Thanks!

I am so sorry but I have been slammed at work. A lot of people taking vacations and there is just so much going on right now
I am going to try and get this done - can you take a picture of what board you have
These seem right to me but I couldnt get them to work without wifi (didnt try anywthing wifi). Nothing ever even displays on the screen for whatever reason. LEDs blink and seem to react to the switching up and down and selecting but no games ever launch.
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These seem right to me but I couldnt get them to work without wifi (didnt try anywthing wifi). Nothing ever even displays on the screen for whatever reason. LEDs blink and seem to react to the switching up and down and selecting but no games ever launch.
Same and same.
OK I got a board put together last night
I will try and get to debugging it with the Sega16 pcb this weekend
I found the issue with the reset of the board
I am checking into the OLED now
I have fixed the reset and OLED on the board
Since the 2560 is a little different I have had to make changes to the design
The new hex and gerber files are attached to the original post
@BladeZX Was there any resolve with the Sega System 18 Oled selectors? I believe there were a number of people with issues. Could it be something like this with those?
I am not having the issues with my Sega18 board
The sega18 uses the Arduino Uno so it should be fine
Can you tell me again what you are seeing
I'm not sure why it isnt working again. I probably am doing something wrong so I will try to check the connection to the reset is right and everything else. I did apply the new hex file
U need to cut the trace with the red circle and solder a wire to where it is in the picture

For the oled u need to cut the traces from SDA and SCL on selector and solder SDA to pin 20 on the 2560, then solder SCL to pin 21 on 2560


  • IMG_3240.jpeg
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I lost my 10p idc cable so I need to wait for more to come in the mail. Also I did not have it when I "tested" it there>>
I'm not sure why it isnt working again. I probably am doing something wrong so I will try to check the connection to the reset is right and everything else. I did apply the new hex file
So my 'experiments' were flawed! And thats one reason why it didnt work for me there. I did the modifications to one of my boards so im just waiting on the 10p idc cables
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I jist inadvertantly tested the board by powering the arduino amd the oled shpwed the game title icons! Im looking forward to trying the cables