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Nov 6, 2017
Reaction score
Mission Viejo, CA, USA
Hello All - I have spent about 3 hours this afternoon reading and looking around, and I need some help.

According to the latest WiPi notes -
  • OpenFFB adds support for Aganyte’s Sega FFB (Force Feedback) Controller board, the
    software has been kindly provided by FredoBedo. Does not work with with OpenJVS.
    Disabled by default.
The Aganyte board has a microusb port on it, and 4 pins (MIDI). I am assuming that I hook the 4 MIDI pins (RX+/- and TX +/-) up to CN2 on the Naomi2 (but not sure which pins - the wiring diagrams shows that its GND and 12V?).

My wheel is a Microsoft Sidewinder FF USB wheel - so that plugs into the Raspberry Pi - but it also needs an IO board, and I can't use OpenJVS. I can plug in a controller board to it, but how do any of the controls from the wheel (analog inputs, buttons, etc) get over to the IO of the Naomi2?

Thanks in advance! I promise I really did search - but if there is some sort of tutorial or primer out there that I missed - please just shoot me the link and I will dig back in!

@bobbydilley responded - it looks like the two DO play nicely together.


Now I just have to figure out how I get CN2 on the Naomi connected over to the Sega FFB board. I tried pins 1,2 and 4,5 over to MIDI RX+/- and TX+/- on the board, and every combination I tried didn't work.

You also have to program the FFB card for the mode - this is the one I picked


If anyone has any ideas - let me know, and I will keep messing around!


I am wondering if I have to use a straight through DB9 off the OpenJVS hat to connect to the DB9 on the Sega FFB controller? Let me try that.

I don't have a male to male db9 straight through - arrives on Monday - I will report back then. Unless anyone has any better ideas for how it should work.. this is the diagram on the openffb gitfhub


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Tagging @Fredobedo007 - I read through all 40 pages on the french site, and besides your one post about getting this done - nothing there for me to latch onto.

I think I am just stuck not understanding which of these to program my FFB-Pro card with - I have probably tried half of them.


I think there is just the one USB connection from the shield over the Rpi.

ok - so I think i got this working. I used the "ArcadeFFB_to_pc" .hex file, and wired up the MIDI to the midi inputs on the board, and it seems like it works. I need a friend to come over who really knows InitialD3 to tell me if the force feedback is right, but it feels right.

For those who want to know.

Naomi Side (CN2) <-----> Sega Pro FFB Card (Midi Input)
Pin 1.....................................................TX+
Pin 2.....................................................TX-
Pin 4.....................................................RX+
Pin 5.....................................................RX-

The Sega Pro FFB card is plugged into the Raspberry Pi over usb - super simple!

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Although - I tested more - and *think* that the FFB is reversed on ID3 - it rumbles when I am going straight down the road, and when I slide into a corner, its smooth.

Waiting for a buddy to test out his wheel on his system (its different from mine). Also posted over on gamoover as well.

necroposting. Sorry about the delay. I finally have the time to review this. want to see if this works with toyoshim’s jvs in some way. regardless, I’ll setup the pi and check on my end.