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So, I'm making an adapter to make sure the mono audio works, because just soldering resistors onto the board, as-is, or trying to solder resistors to wires, isn't working.



I didn't double check my schematic vs my footprint, accidentally wired this this wrong, OOPS! It's already gone into production so I can't cancel it, but when this batch of bad board arrives I will confirm they will fit and modify if they don't.
Don't mean to hijack the thread, but where did you get the Screw down terrminal JAMMA board? I'm trying to find one as that looks to be very useful.
Don't mean to hijack the thread, but where did you get the Screw down terrminal JAMMA board? I'm trying to find one as that looks to be very useful.
I'm very sad to say RetroElectronik doesn't exist anymore, but I have considered repoing the board because it is extremely useful.
I'm very sad to say RetroElectronik doesn't exist anymore, but I have considered repoing the board because it is extremely useful.
oh man. That explains just fleeting photos of this existing and not being able to find it for sale. Appreciate the info. If you do repro it, I'll definitely pick one up. I have a really good use case for it.
oh man. That explains just fleeting photos of this existing and not being able to find it for sale. Appreciate the info. If you do repro it, I'll definitely pick one up. I have a really good use case for it.
For the details, there was a thread I made here
I've forgotten to update, but all parts are in for all 5 boards (except the new summing adapter boards for audio). I plan on soldering everything down this weekend, then the great cable making begins. There's a lot of cable to make too, ugh.

I'm shooting for these to be done by the beginning of May.
Life would be too easy if things always went as plan, and the board soldering didn't happen, but it still shouldn't take more than a few hours to do so I'm not terribly worried.

In the mean time, the summing board is a success. I spent way more than I anticipated when making it, as the double order of PCBs and some special headers I didn't need connect the boards together. I'm also glue-gunning the board to keep it stable when being used. I had the two boards connected and it was fairly wobbly, and I don't want the boards connected just directly soldered either, that just seems like a bad idea.


Also note all boards will be fully cleaned before being packaged and shipped. This photo looks worse than it really is, but I have a lot of cats and flux is sticky, lol.
May has come and gone and my life has been going through a few things. Currently my work area had to have all projects halted because something more urgent has come up and that space is needed, so. I'm not particularly well known for being speedy at these things mainly because I'm a perfectionist, and if I can't make it perfect, I get frustrated and move to something else for a bit. So these are still getting done but no ETA at the moment. This year for sure though.
May has come and gone and my life has been going through a few things. Currently my work area had to have all projects halted because something more urgent has come up and that space is needed, so. I'm not particularly well known for being speedy at these things mainly because I'm a perfectionist, and if I can't make it perfect, I get frustrated and move to something else for a bit. So these are still getting done but no ETA at the moment. This year for sure though.
It'll be done when it's done. I appreciate that you're keeping it alive at all in the first place.