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Jul 10, 2018
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Sydney, Australia
After seeing both @nnap's and @skate323k137's Tenkgou threads, I knew I also had to do it myself :D

I reached out to @alberto1225 to hook me up with the Panel and @xb74 of CQB Arcade to see if he was able to source out the required buttons for the panel. I figured it was better to support the local business.

The following was ordered

  • 2x OBSAX-C30UM-W-1FLED-W-12V (start buttons)
  • 8x OBSAX-C30UK-W-1FLED-W-12V (directional buttons)
  • 4x OBSAX-C45UM-W-1FLED-W-12V (A and B buttons)

Fast forward to a few days ago, all the buttons arrived with a nice little extra items, props to CQB as my kids enjoyed the extras



Each button can be disassembled so artwork can be placed under the top cover - thanks for including them in @alberto1225, I screwed up A on the P1 side and my OCD is being triggered, but I have to live with it as I only had one set haha


Once all installed, it should look like below. This will be the closest I can get to the original without having the dedicated cab. The main difference is the size of the buttons, the original directional buttons are 45mm vs the 30mm on this panel and the size of the A and B buttons 60mm on the original vs 45mm for this panel


Next was to start the wiring harness. Since this will be going to the Blast City and that cab doesn't have a dedicated JVS I/O, I thought something like this would be a decent way to rig it up whilst having the ability to use the existing connector for P1 and P2 on the blast city.


I got shared the wiring schematic of the game by @Lemony Vengeance and Tak and based on the information from the schematic, I ended up with this schematic (colours are my chosen colours based on wires I have)

For the directional inputs (same as a standard sega joystick)


For the LEDs


Some stats for the panel harness -

  • 14x JST NH 4 Way
  • 112x Crimp connectors
  • 56x wires totaling around 4m give or take
  • 4x different connectors (2x TE Amp Up 12 way, 1x TE Amp Up 8 way, 1x JST YL 12 Way)

What a mess of spaghetti!!


This is where the multi meter does wonders! Because of my colour coding, I had accidentally wired up 12v into an input, that would've been interesting to say the least

After a few hours of looking at the schematics, crimping, cutting, testing for continuity, here's the control panel in its final form - cable ties ftw!!!!


Next up, I'll need to make another harness from the JVS I/O to these connectors.
Very clean work! I didn't realize til now the RT used a custom panel on the cab. This looks like a slick solution.
Rhythm Tengoku - Control Panel part 2

As previously mentioned, I had planned to wire harness with a JAMMA edge like this:


@LemonyVengeance gave me the idea of bypassing the JAMMA edge and just wire it directly to the Blast City I/O.

Due to the sheer amount of wire I needed, I figured it would be cheaper to bastardise an old original Blast City harness that I got for 30 dollars (not the one the Sega 001 loom, but an original Blast City one). I also had a whole heap of JVS power harnesses laying around and other bits and bobs I could use.

I removed pins that I didn't require from the harness - I only needed, P1 and P2 Up, Down, Left, Right, Start, B1 and B2, test, service, coin, coin meter.


I know it's not a pretty sight to hack up original harnesses, especially those Hirose JAMMA edge, but I promise, this is for the greater good


With the new harness, meant new colour coding, so I updated the spreadsheet with the colours. I get crap for having spreadsheets from family and friends all the time, but I'm telling you, if I didn't have this spreadsheet, I would've had heaps of issues.

My updated schematics



The main wiring (P1 and P2 buttons - no lamp/power) was completed after a solid couple of hours, was checked and double checked for continuity to make sure everything was in its proper position



I started working on the lamp and power harness but I didn't realise that the connector for that was 20 way! I only had a 26 way! FMD *face palm*. I ordered a 20 way, but I was determined to get this done so I hacked up the 26 way and turned it into a 20 way but cutting the last holes and the tab on the connector as the JST RA is keyed.


The harness is now complete! Also added the stereo RCA's. This OG harness has essentially been turned into a Sega 001 loom plus the requirements for LEDs to light up according to the game code.


Here's the big test!
All wired up to a Sega type 3 JVS I/O if LED buttons are to be used, otherwise, I could've just used the normal Sega JAMMA to JVS I/O or the I/O found in a NNC (Sega type 1 JVS)


The first power on was the most nerve wracking as there's always doubt with these things, I'm always scared I wire 12v up where 5v goes, it also doesn't help Sega doesn't use "standard" colours like those found in an ATX PSU ie. 5v = red, 12v = yellow. Sega uses Yellow for 5v and red for 12v! You can see where people would mix this up and fry pcbs.

Needless to say, I was VERY happy when I turned the cab on, loaded the game and there was no smoke and the buttons and LEDs worked!


Quick video of it working

View: https://youtu.be/BIIFT7mrdWw

Last thing left to do is rotate this cab back to horiztonal and do some cable management.

This is one fun game! Random AF, but hella fun!