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Grand Master
Oct 25, 2016
Reaction score
NSW, Australia
Hey guys,

I've never been happy with the hand made hacked up fingerboard and I'm sick of having a bunch of random kick harnesses, brightness pots and test buttons hanging off my harness.

I got a few of these made if anyone would like one. They are just a fingerboard with:
-500ohm pots on the RGB lines
-CPS1 like JST header for kick buttons so you can make different harnesses
-Test button and volume buttons that you can wire up with your CPS2 kick harness
-45 degree chamfered edges to protect the JAMMA connector



I will probably do the same with the Boardmaster next.
That's really nice. I need something like that for my Sigma Raijin to control the RGB lines on it. It looks so washed out with the stock loom/fingerboard.
That's really nice. I need something like that for my Sigma Raijin to control the RGB lines on it. It looks so washed out with the stock loom/fingerboard.
I could probably make that if you take a bunch of pictures for me.
Will the same adapter work for the Vega Jr? if so I could do with 3 (I have a pair of DX 9000 and a Jr).

I also have a pair of Boardmasters and a pair of Rajin's and the video is terrible on both compared to the Pana Custom/MP92 (that has RGB+Sync pots).

Any idea on prices?
Will the same adapter work for the Vega Jr? if so I could do with 3 (I have a pair of DX 9000 and a Jr).

I also have a pair of Boardmasters and a pair of Rajin's and the video is terrible on both compared to the Pana Custom/MP92 (that has RGB+Sync pots).

Any idea on prices?
Do you have a picture of the Vega Jr finger board? I can certainly compare and let you know. I wouldn't want much for these maybe 8 bucks?
Boardmaster pcb.


Vega Jr. PCB



I have the Rajin & pana ones but the pictures haven't come out well - I'll take some others with a different camera.
The Vega one does look right, I also have a boardmaster that I am planning to give similar treatment.

I've had pretty bad bronchitis and its kept me from soldering. When I solder up the Vega one and confirm it works ok I can send you one to test out if you like.
Thanks guys. The reason I'm holding off on making more of these is that I am working on a board that just has the video circuit of the minigun so we can do buffered RGB bypass on all Japanese superguns with no/poor video encoders.
Did anyone end up testing this with a Vega Jr the finger board I got with mine is pretty bad