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Jul 21, 2015
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Not really arcade but It can help.
Done some years ago.

A friend from work told me "I have a flat screen, I want to rid myself, there's a slight problem with green outline around people"

I say "I take a look and if possible I repair it for you"
"No,takes it"

It's OK for me :)

good, the first power up, the problem was a little more serious ....

I look a little, the problem seems to come from the management card, called by all "t-con" (in French, it is aptly named!)

I want a new -> 89€

yeah ok, there's the promo for new LED tv 150€ right now ....

Someone which repair it-> € 49

aaaaaaaah already much more affordable

but not fun, pleasure rest anyway to repair it myself.

After investigation , the problem comes from one and the same piece, a E-CMOS AS15-G QFP48 .
I order it, installs and .....

Et voila!!


for a total cost of ....
1.83€ and less than 10 minutes of work

a small component that cares so much mess
What is the model of the monitor you repaired?
it's an tv,techwood can't remember exactly but it's Samsung or LG at low cost.

But the as15-g is really common to a lot of t-con board, even on somes sony
not a philips TV ?

I've repaired 10 philips with the exact same problem a few years ago (with ambilight)
AS15 are a very common failure point on T-CON boards.