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Just installed mine works and absolute treat! Thanks to all involved in making this Multi

Broke a pin installing it because one of those circular orange caps had bent over the socket, so it was blocking the ROM socket. Managed to solder on a new pin NP at all. It is a bit tricky to seat, but like you say, take your time and make sure it's well lit so you can see if the pins are connected. :)


Rather than trolling through 17 pages of this thread, can someone be able to link me the files needed to program the modules please?

Edit: Okay just read the instructions and it seems like there is a script I can run that generates the files needed from the mame rom set but doesn't mention where I can get this script. Any pointers? Just wondering why it's such a big secret?
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Rather than trolling through 17 pages of this thread, can someone be able to link me the files needed to program the modules please?

Edit: Okay just read the instructions and it seems like there is a script I can run that generates the files needed from the mame rom set but doesn't mention where I can get this script. Any pointers? Just wondering why it's such a big secret?


Enjoy the games
Thank you. It's not for me. I already have all the games. I'm just trying to prevent a disaster from happening :thumbsup:
I confirmed that the Tank Force 4P works with FACE OFF I/O today.
Is there anyone out there who can build this board?
Like one that also has Bravoman and QUESTER I/O in one.
This is a borrowed item and must be returned.

Is there anyone out there who can build this board?
to properly reproduce it would require getting these in the hands of the person designing the replacement.

the best method is usually to remove all of the parts and scan both sides of the PCB... that will give you a good 1:1 guide for reproduction.

A good start would be to scan the back of that PCB if you can, and take a good high resolution of the top PCB from multiple angles so you can see as many of the traces as clear as possible. you may also want to photograph/write down the value of those resistor packs.

without de-soldering it you'd need to spend some time with a multi-meter and map out all of the traces by hand if you really wanted to capture it.
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I strongly suspect that large chip is a MCU.

Maybe if you can describe it's function in a bit more detail we can understand what it is doing ? What is connected to it stuff like that @TMF68k

Here is a Tank Force manual it just lists all the bits as digital IOs ?
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He is referring to the special sub boards that are used for the Namco system 1 games that require special controls like the spinners used for Quester, an Arkanoid type game and Face Off (Ice hockey). The sub board allows spinners, paddles to be connected to the board as they only had Jamma edge connectors and no additional connections on the board itself for spinners etc.

More info here:-
I made it in a hurry, so it is very dirty.
This is a schematic of the circuit as far as I can tell.

Face off are coins 3 and 4 start 1 and 2.
This is because 1P has lefts and rights, and 2P has lefts and rights, so it is 4P.


  • face_off_IO.pdf
    115.5 KB · Views: 127
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I think that link is not for that part. The chip has the same package as the chips used by SEGA for the JVS TYPE 1. If I can get one I can try to read it.