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I am also trying to track down his license plate. I know he has a Toyota Tacoma TRD, I want to know who its registered to, dont see how it could be to him.

01743M3 license plate is registered to a 2022 TOYOTA Tacoma in California state. This TOYOTA Tacoma is a and is manufactured by TOYOTA MOTOR MFG DE BAJA CALIFORNIA


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And for those who think most people in this hobby/community are not empathetic or understanding.
How long does one need to wait to stop being so? He was supposed to deliver the cab in 3 weeks after receiving payment.

I started this ride with Señor Horacio back in Aug 2021

Fast forward to the most recent communication from him



This was his last message on Feb 4.

I'm not putting the entire chat history because it's too much, the excuses are long and wild.

So according to him, he has the cabs and pcbs, if he wanted he could offer some of his stuff in trade or sell to anyone else and refund the people he owes.
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What I don't understand is the guy has alot of valuable cabs (multiples too!) He should just sell a couple and pay everyone back. He's never had a proper game room / setup. Everything is just jammed backed in storage. Dude needs to find a new hobby smh
What I don't understand is the guy has alot of valuable cabs (multiples too!) He should just sell a couple and pay everyone back. He's never had a proper game room / setup. Everything is just jammed backed in storage. Dude needs to find a new hobby smh
When you borrow from peter to pay paul this quickly becomes a solution that is no longer possible.
Sounds like the dude is hosed now.

And thats expecting him to actually do that which again the window for such thoughts is long past
The fact is he DOESNT have all these cabs he claims to have. He has a few he WON'T sell cuz he's the self-proclaimed "Candy Cab King" and needs that image to further scam. He has sold a lot of his cabs as sales (scams) happened WEEKLY through pms. He probably is low on cabs he WANTS to sell due to no one forking out DEPOSITS or even full payments for him to powder coat/or paint shit. At ONE point in time he had a lot of cabs but most were promised or sold to many people behind pms/dms, texts etc. It's been documented he has sold the SAME aeros and cutes to 3-6 people at a time!! Don't be fooled. Pay an investigator and you will see what we have found. His sister rents her home to him and his "ex" wife (doubt they divorced) and she owns a successful catering business, he does not work, has NEVER worked. This "man" has lived off of flipping candy cabs to desperate weebs online for YEARS. His real Mexican government name is also Cresencio, not Omar, Horacio etc. Dude is hiding for a reason 😉
But seriously, if anyone truly knows this man, they should check up on him and maybe have a chat.
Most of us are reasonable and understand that things can happen. I can tell you lots of stories of people waiting for a new batch of a product and waiting for me to get parts because I miscalculated. These things happen and if we are all reasonable and honest, we all end up with a happy transaction. However using people's honesty and good will to scam them, promising something that you can't or are not willing to deliver is not OK.
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If you guys really want to make his life unpleasant, take him to small claims. You may never be able to fully recover your money in the end, but the massive inconveniences to him will probably be worth it: unable to renew a license/register a vehicle, attempted wage garnishment, negative impact to credit reports, all sorts of fun stuff. The filing fees should be pretty low, and you don't need legal counsel to pursue it.

I personally feel all the "plane ticket"/"wellness check" stuff can be left to PMs or Discord - no need for that kind of talk here. It's not constructive, and if you're about it, be about it.
if you do a wellness check tho, please check those egrets onto a trailer and send em to me. ill adopt them
You and me both man, jeez. What a shitty person. This kind of crap is so disheartening, I want to think people will do right by everyone but you can't think that way. I guess you never could but at least there's still honest decent people out there still. Dude should definitely get a sock.
unable to renew a license/register a vehicle, attempted wage garnishment, negative impact to credit reports, all sorts of fun stuff. The filing fees should be pretty low, and you don't need legal counsel to pursue it.

I've hung out with him many times, knowing him the truck probably isn't registered to him, I'm sure he doesn't give a damn about credit reports and wage garnishment. He hasn't worked a legitimate job in 10 years or so.
When you have a judgement against someone you can request an order of examination where they have to show up and disclose their financials to the court. That's how you can identify assets to seize, garnish, levy etc. If he fails to appear, then the court will put an arrest warrant for him. There is recourse, while not 100%, it can be very miserable for him.