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Mar 9, 2022
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I got a Naomi 2 PCB which ran fine. Naomi Logo showed up, but the setup menu showed garbled Text. I figured out it that IC107 and 109 are bad.


  • I replaced IC 107 and IC 109 with new RAM
  • I accidently desoldered IC7, but soldered it back in (was about to desolder one of the other ICs, but moved a bit too left :D)
  • No solder bridges, all pins are soldered (tested)
  • Afterwards the Naomi2 only showed a blank screen. The monitor gets a video signal, but no picture is shown. I guess the Naomi2 hangs before the boot logo
  • I desoldered IC107 and 109 again and put in the old RAM, without success
  • What can cause the sudden blank screen? (what could i have damaged and what is the general for a blank screen (not a black screen!))
Do i desolder wrong? - How have you desoldered Naomi ram successfully? - I use a heat gun at 360° Celsius with about 80% airflow with adding flux to the pin. - i shield other components. It takes around 1-1,5 minutes to desolder (estimate, didn't meassure). Is the heat to high/low? - Do i need low-melding-solder?

To clarify:
  • The Naomi2 ran "fine" before. Ran fine with removed supercap, Bios and replaced fans. The filter I/O works fine
  • PSU provides enough power, pcb test points meassure correctly
  • Video output is not black, it is blank. (Displaying a blackish picture :D)
  • Boota nimation never shows up. Ran the Noami2 for 30+ minutes
Thanks a lot in advance