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For the record, I'm done posting any more threads of this nature.
Talking is good, actually talking is what we love here.

In my opnion those Interest Checks from @brentradio are great.

Price will only go up, when one of the people that can potentially create a product will actually start an interest check....then is when prices will go up ;)
I've been a huge Namco fan all my life and Namco System 2 has some of my favorite games of all time. So I'll chime in on a technical and practical level with my thoughts on the possibility of a multi for NS2:

Namco System 2 uses different video boards for different types of games. There's a driving board for Final Lap/Suzuka/Four Trax, a unique board for Steel Gunner, a unique board for Lucky and Wild and a unique board for Metal Hawk. (There are two revisions of the CPU board, the custom 65 version and the custom 68 version. All CPU boards are interchangable).

CPU boards are (relatively) cheap. You can find parted out Final Laps, Suzukas and Four Trax machines all the time on eBay. If you want to play these games, just go hunt down the boards. For the purposes of the multi WE DO NOT CARE ABOUT THESE GAMES.

If we rule out all of the games that do NOT run on the standard video board we are left with these games:
(And let's be honest here, because they are driving or shooting games most people won't have a way to play them anyway)
From here, let's rule out the baseball games that most people won't care about and games we cannot play due to having a unique cabinet such as Golly Ghost (a game that is mostly electromechanical). That leaves us with:
These are the games we actually care to play on Namco System 2. 13 games, and since Assault Plus is just an upgraded version of Assault we can say that Namco System 2 has 12 unique games that we care about. These game boards hold value by themselves that wouldn't be used as donors to convert to other games, such as the baseball games.

Is it worth it to have a multi for just these games? I dunno. I suppose Namco System 1 has roughly the same amount of playable games. So this question is more for Darksoft.

From a technical perspective I think a multi is worth it if Darksoft can completely reproduce the video PCB.

This is the Video PCB

The PCB is relatively simple, it consists of mostly TTL logic, some RAM, and two Namco Customs. The customs are the hurdle here. There's the 102 that controls ROZ ROMs memory access control and the 146 which controls the OBJ ROMs (line buf steering according to MAME)

If Darksoft can successfully reverse engineer these two customs and reproduce the entire video board then I think a Namco System 2 multi would be a great product. Imagine buying out all the useless Final Laps, Suzuka and Four Trax PCBs and making something useful out of them. The downside here is that the multi would probably be very expensive to produce. You still have to come up with multi ROMs that go on the CPU board as well. The upside is not having to hunt down and sacrifice the extremely rare and expensive original video PCBs.

If Darksoft goes the other route and makes a multi that requires hunting down the original video PCB, it will be more cost effective on his end but then good luck finding a reasonably priced Namco System 2 board as a donor.

Anyway that's my two cents. I remember when Valkyrie boards went for $250 all day every day on Yahoo Japan and I thought "that's way too expensive". Now people want $1000+ for them.
I remember when Valkyrie boards went for $250 all day every day on Yahoo Japan and I thought "that's way too expensive". Now people want $1000+ for them.
In all honestly, if a multi were to be made, this is the only game I would be interested in playing and my only interest in the multi would be to get the game on real hardware for (hopefully) less than what it actually sells for. It's extremely hard to justify 1K+ for a single game...which is why I also sadly own zero Cave games lmao. Not that they're not "worth it," but I'm definitely in the crowd that can't justify dropping that much dough on a singular title.
which is why I also sadly own zero Cave games lmao. Not that they're not "worth it," but I'm definitely in the crowd that can't justify dropping that much dough on a singular title.
idk man, there are probably what, 6? 8? you could buy a good chunk under a grand?

The 3 PGM shmups wouldn't run you 500 together.
The 3 PGM shmups wouldn't run you 500 together.
You're absolutely not wrong, but I'm really only interested in a handful of cave titles anyways; namely the ones I already go to (...went, to :( ) my local arcade to play. DDP and mushi. I'll definitely be picking up galuda on pgm some time in the future, but even that one is still pretty far down the list of titles I'd really be interested in dumping a lot of time into. That's kinda the heart of the whole situation in general, I only want games I'm actually wanting to play and put ludicrous amounts of time into, and not so much just whatever title has the nike/cave swoosh. Glad those are accessible nonetheless though.
Speak of Final Lap, Suzuka and Four Trax, the twin cabs of these in working condition are ridiculously rare to find. It just so happens I'm one of the few that is only interested in System 2 for these racing games only at least for these reasons:
  • Link play isn't emulated on these games at all so as of this day, the only way to play these games linked is actual hardware.
  • Sound emulation isn't really understood as the engine plays a weird buzzing noise for unknown reasons.
Speak of Final Lap, Suzuka and Four Trax, the twin cabs of these in working condition are ridiculously rare to find. It just so happens I'm one of the few that is only interested in System 2 for these racing games only at least for these reasons:
  • Link play isn't emulated on these games at all so as of this day, the only way to play these games linked is actual hardware.
  • Sound emulation isn't really understood as the engine plays a weird buzzing noise for unknown reasons.
Fortunately, those games aren't too hard to find, and are still relatively cheap. Those video boards can't be used in the conversions that everyone is after.
Speak of Final Lap, Suzuka and Four Trax, the twin cabs of these in working condition are ridiculously rare to find. It just so happens I'm one of the few that is only interested in System 2 for these racing games only at least for these reasons:
  • Link play isn't emulated on these games at all so as of this day, the only way to play these games linked is actual hardware.
  • Sound emulation isn't really understood as the engine plays a weird buzzing noise for unknown reasons.
Fortunately, those games aren't too hard to find, and are still relatively cheap. Those video boards can't be used in the conversions that everyone is after.
Buddy... for conversions (phelios, rolling thunder 2 and dragon saber) you need one of the follow games (only these will work) :

i dont think so buddy... for conversions (phelios, rolling thunder 2 and dragon saber) you need one of the follow games :
@AlxUnderBase he's saying that the racing games cannot be used, and that they're easy to find. You're both saying the same thing :)
yes but only these conversions was revealed so far
That is correct, and if you have one of the video boards from your list, you can convert to another game on your list. :)
Personally this multi is right up there with the best of them. I don't see many for sale these days and when they are they usually have a high price. Just avoid the most popular/rare titles: Dragon Saber, Phelios, Ordyne, Marvel Land, Rolling Thunder2. I would try Yahoo Auctions to source one. Its really great hardware for the time, like System1, Namco were really on the ball with tech in the late 80's early 90's. Games were also made popular by the PC Engine and Mega Drive back in the day.
Obvioulsy the KEY custom IC must be removed and a diode must be installed between two pins on solder side like explained here :

[Convert tuto] Namco System 2 : any game in Rolling Thunder 2 jap
Buongiorno signore, @caius ! Please , can you help me to finish what i've done here ? What should i do further to have it full functionable !

Please guys , i feel i'm almost there with this ! I'm ready to take your advices to put them on my System 2 mother + video boards (i soldered the diode too on + on pin 13 and - on pin 26)

also ... these are the patched files ive modified by myself. hope they are good but i don't know to verify them

Update : conversion was well made by me previously , but my motherboard had some problems , now fixed by Hammy


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For the record again, video board of Suzuka 8 hours 2 ( which would NOT work for the multi)
