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  FTDI Drivers and Configuration

Download package:

https://www.ftdichip.com/Drivers/D2XX/Linux/libftd2xx-arm-v7-hf-1.4.8.gz   (As of 2019-06-08 this file is actually a .tar labeled as .gz)

Extract and follow insturctions in ReadMe.txt

  Define UDEV rules for SYS2X6 USB Dongle:

1.) Create and edit file /etc/udev/rules.d/99-sys2x6.rules

2.) Add contents:

SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ACTION=="add", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0403", ATTRS{idProduct}=="6015", ATTRS{product}=="SYS2X6 USB DONGLE", MODE="0666"
ATTRS{idVendor}=="0403", ATTRS{idProduct}=="6015", ATTRS{product}=="SYS2X6 USB DONGLE", RUN+="/bin/sh -c 'echo $kernel > /sys/bus/usb/drivers/ftdi_sio/unbind'"

3.) sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
OK so now that I look at it and the readme, I don't understand any of this...

1) Is this done on the raspi sd card or the dongle?
2) Is this something I can do through windows?
I was half asleep when I replied this morning, for some reason I thought you were making your own menu/build on raspbian, not using the pre-made one.

Try a different USB cable and ignore the readme details I posted :)
That should all be there on the SD card image
Make sure you use a proper usb that has the data wires connected - some only have power connected and used a charging cable
That should all be there on the SD card image
Make sure you use a proper usb that has the data wires connected - some only have power connected and used a charging cable
Ok I’ll try a couple other cables
I was half asleep when I replied this morning, for some reason I thought you were making your own menu/build on raspbian, not using the pre-made one.

Try a different USB cable and ignore the readme details I posted :)
Ha thanks I was about to uh try to learn Linux
That should all be there on the SD card image
Make sure you use a proper usb that has the data wires connected - some only have power connected and used a charging cable
Have tried several cables now, including ones that I used to connect to the dongle on my laptop, and I still get the exact same error, so I don’t think it’s the cable.
That should all be there on the SD card image
Make sure you use a proper usb that has the data wires connected - some only have power connected and used a charging cable
Doesn’t seem to be a cable problem. Maybe the pi unit?? I don’t know but i think I’ve tried everything else 🤷‍♂️
Do you just drop the chd files right on the usb flash drive? No need to create an iso?
So I got everything set up I had to get a rpi4 hoping it would work. I plugged in the rpi to test before I hooked up to a machine but the screen just gets like.. unbelievably hot

Edit : Amazon sent me the wrong fkn screen vcc and ground are swapped

And do I need the 12/5v line plugged into ode I’m assuming


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You actually don’t need the Molex plugged in - the rpi can power the ODE with no issues. I assume you have a 246? Since the selector pins aren’t hooked up.
So I got everything set up I had to get a rpi4 hoping it would work. I plugged in the rpi to test before I hooked up to a machine but the screen just gets like.. unbelievably hot

Edit : Amazon sent me the wrong fkn screen vcc and ground are swapped

And do I need the 12/5v line plugged into ode I’m assuming
which rasp pi did you use?
which rasp pi did you use?

I got another screen was wrong again..

This is what I got. Acted like it wanted to start then just blank screen

It’s a 256 gonna hook up the pins when I get the proper screen.

Do I need to update idr or the dongle at all?


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does the 256 boot up w/o all the Rpi hooked up? Did your system come with any games ?

The Rpi is used to program the dongle and then to mount the correct ISO image on the dongle.

I would make sure your 256 is working correctly first before complicating the setup with this.
does the 256 boot up w/o all the Rpi hooked up? Did your system come with any games ?

The Rpi is used to program the dongle and then to mount the correct ISO image on the dongle.

I would make sure your 256 is working correctly first before complicating the setup with this.
Yea I have some games I’ll double check operation but worked when I last had it hooked up
does the 256 boot up w/o all the Rpi hooked up? Did your system come with any games ?

The Rpi is used to program the dongle and then to mount the correct ISO image on the dongle.

I would make sure your 256 is working correctly first before complicating the setup with this.
Ok made “some” progress confirmed working with my dragon ball dvd

So I hooked the multi rig back up had a 256 mode error swapped the jumper then got to the (notice screen) thought it was all good but then it just goes to black screen after countdown. I wanted to try another game but without the screen a little difficult. I’ll wait till the screen arrives and get the 256/246 plug installed to the multi


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you know you can also join the wifi of the raspbi and select games, etc. from there?