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Sep 16, 2015
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Yokosuka, Japan
Hiya! If you have followed my Twitter/Discord or even the "one last run" thread (where I guess I torpedoed the title by offering another run of CPS3 cases) you know I have been working on a CPS1 case to complete the trilogy. The design is done and ready for prototyping so I am going to start taking orders for it in the next day or two at my archive site: https://jasenscustomsarchive.com/ - pricing will be two tiers - those who order now while I press the prototype out and fit everything, aka the discounted price) and then another that will be the normal price after everything is fit and ready to produce in volume.

Background: When Darksoft announced the new kit a lot of folks reached out and asked if I was going to do the case. I was reluctant because I wasn't sure how much time my classes were going to be taking so far out but decided to at least order the kit and have it on hand. Fortunately, I'm taking a bunch of business analytics classes right now that are rather easy since I know how to program in some languages and analytics is right up my alley as an engineer. A lot of folks gave me their wishlists for inclusions and made recommendations based on other tech so here's what the case design features:

1. Filter Board mounted inside the case, flush against one side of the case. Nuts with nylon washers will hold it in place so you don't have to see any exposed hardware there.
2. HDMI connector cutout on the back, just to the side of the filter board for those who will or want to install a DigitalAV kit at some point. You can blank it off with the blanking panel from neutrik if not needed.
3. On the front - The screen/button display just like on the CPS2 cases I did. Mounted inside.
4. On the front - Two 12mm button cutouts for the DigitalAV menu system, just below the screen/buttons. If not going to use the DigtialAV kit you can leave them open or put buttons in that do nothing. Either way is fine.
5. On the front - @Mitsurugi-w DIPSWITCH PCB. ** THIS IS THE DEBATE BELOW! **
6. CAPCOM graphic printed on the cover next to some vent openings. Open to other ideas if you want to toss them out!
7. 40mm fan on the back side of the case to allow air flow to move through the case if you want to add a fan.
8. Rubber feet on the bottom.

The CPS PCB will be mounted to a tray so you can attach your CPS1 PCB outside the case and hook up everything except the filter board. Then you can put it in, and slide it back to make connection with the filter board and screw the tray in to the standoffs . It should make the install a lot smoother and cleaner overall. It does make the case a bit more money overall, but its worth it given the complexity of everything fitting together properly and not wanting to have to do a bunch of costly prototypes that increase the final case cost.

DIP SWITCH DEBATE: The cable that connects the remote pcb to the one on the actual cps board has an IDC cable that is surface mounted on the same side as the dipswitches. Because IDC cables are so tall, to make sure it clears, the pcb would have to be recessed back rather far. This would make access rather difficult without a tiny screw driver. My thoughts are to mount it to the front of the case externally so it's fully accessible but the cable would have to come out of the case (from behind the PCB) and loop up and over to the PCB. I'm leaning to the second option, having the pcb on the outside. It's a little less streamlined, but it is rather clean and mounted with screws to the case. The alternate option would be to use his other pcb that mounts to the filter board and having a notch or cable pass through cut next to the filter board so the thin ribbon can come out and over to it that way. The downside here is that the dipswitches will be on the back of the case with the HDMI/filter board instead of up front with the actual controls you would likely use all the time.

Let me know your thoughts! Either here or over on my discord! The sooner the argument is had, the sooner I can get the listing up and prototype done!
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Option 1: Filter Board Mount with Cutout:

Option 2: Front Mount on Outside of Case

Received a lot of feedback on my discord re: the dipswitches. Overwhelmingly, put them on the back!
I don’t do the discord thing, but I’ll preorder if it supports option one for the dips as that’s what I got.
Whatever it ends up being I’m down.
I opted for the filter board mounted dipswitch remote board, so as long as this case doesn't disrupt how that works I'm fine with it. Either way, looking forward to seeing the final design.
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I'm confused by your references to the front and back of the case. Isn't the side with the JAMMA edge (ie. the filter board) the front?
I'm confused by your references to the front and back of the case. Isn't the side with the JAMMA edge (ie. the filter board) the front?
I think it was a reference to option 2 outlined above "someplace other than the filter board", I can see either being considered the front I guess... frankly, if it were myself I would pick option 3 "all of the above". We're talking small cutouts to pass a flat cable through. Not like they'll look amiss in locations where they're not used and there's no reason to limit things to a single option.
Agreed. I think accommodating most if not all options should be possible without compromising the aesthetics too harshly.

I have the filter board mounted dips on the way. So if I had a gun to my head, that is how I'd vote.
There is a reason to pick only one, the front mount (IE opposite side of filter board) will require external hardware and a large hole for the idc cable to pass through. When not in use, I think it would look unsightly.

Given the filter mount option is the cleanest one and least obtrusive overall, I am going with that one.
There is a reason to pick only one, the front mount (IE opposite side of filter board) will require external hardware and a large hole for the idc cable to pass through. When not in use, I think it would look unsightly.

Given the filter mount option is the cleanest one and least obtrusive overall, I am going with that one.
Apologies, I think I'm slow when it comes to understanding the options and placement for the case. So will your case support the front board and options from Mitsu? It'd be good to know which options specifically. I haven't purchased them yet, but was planning on it in the future and would love to have your case for the setup.

I'm planning to pre-order the CPS1 for sure + I'll probably cave and pick up 2x CPS3 cases since they're available, and (if you make them again in the future) 2x CPS2 cases to have fully matching sets.
There is a reason to pick only one, the front mount (IE opposite side of filter board) will require external hardware and a large hole for the idc cable to pass through. When not in use, I think it would look unsightly.

Given the filter mount option is the cleanest one and least obtrusive overall, I am going with that one.
Sounds good, just let us know when you're ready to have money thrown your way.
Here is the official product listing. You will note that you can't buy it yet. This is because I need to confirm pricing and see if I can get it down a bit. I think this should help answer any questions about the design as well since I posted a few renders of the case. With any luck, I can have the first prototype here in about a week. If all my calculations are correct, things should fit well. My TI-83 ran out of juice during the design fury yesterday so I think I did enough math! If there are more questions, I will add an FAQ section to help answer them in one consolidated location.

Apologies, I think I'm slow when it comes to understanding the options and placement for the case. So will your case support the front board and options from Mitsu? It'd be good to know which options specifically. I haven't purchased them yet, but was planning on it in the future and would love to have your case for the setup.

I'm planning to pre-order the CPS1 for sure + I'll probably cave and pick up 2x CPS3 cases since they're available, and (if you make them again in the future) 2x CPS2 cases to have fully matching sets.

Given the time frame for the CPS3 run and the timing of the CPS1 being very notional, I'd recommend getting the CPS3 order in now. CPS2 will come here shortly. I have a new A board to remeasure and I want to make some tweaks to some of the case cutouts. Much easier to do now that I have a laser cutter in house and I can template them all out before sending them off for prototyping!
Why is your CPS1 case so much more expensive than your CPS3 case? Are they not about the same size and use about the same material?
There are more parts and a lot more costs to develop it than the CPS3 case. Plus, I've made A LOT of CPS3 cases over the years so I do have some efficiencies there.

Note: I don't like the cost either, which is why I said I am seeing what I can do to help bring it down such as using 18ga steel instead of 16ga. This is just a more complex design with a lot more parts that were expensive to buy before a case could even be made. All of it factors in. The big difference between this and the previous cases is that, much like Amazon, they could be loss leaders in development costs because other items I offered in the shop could funded it or I already had stuff on hand (like PCBs) to use. Now that I am shut down and only doing limited runs of things when I have time or sufficient people reach out, these projects have to be self funded entirely.
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Curious design choice to place the jamma connection would be at the back but the LCD selector in the front. This kills it for me as my harness will not reach it while also providing access to the LCD selector.
The option is: make the case TALLER to accommodate the screen on the same side as the filter board or WIDER so they sit next to each other. Both make the case more expensive due to the materials and often turn people off due to the size. Alternatively, the screen could be mounted to the top of the case inside but it would still need to be a bit taller to support. I try to minimize the amount of stuff mounted to the cover itself because it makes install a pain due to the wire tethering.

Side note, this is exactly how the CPS2 case setup is.