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Oct 17, 2022
Reaction score
Miami, FL USA
Hello to all! Last week I picked up a nicely kept Sega Lindbergh cabinet and I'm in the process of putting together a PC to install within it. I've got a few questions which I've not been able to easily answer myself which is what motivated me to create this account. I look forward to getting to know some of you and (over time) I hope to help others. In the meantime, thank you for having me!
Welcome and congrats on the new cab!
Welcome and im guessing you have questions about controls from the cab to the pc… ask away ;)
Welcome and I'm guessing you have questions about controls from the cab to the pc… ask away ;)
Ha! Yes indeed!

So basically I'm planning on building a Taito Type X3 compatible PC and I am unsure of how best to interface it into my cab without rewiring it and/or hacking it up. From my research, I think the JVS-PAC2 is the very thing I need but confirmation from an expert would be nice before I pull the trigger. I was going to ask in one of the hardware forums but since you brought it up... :)
Looks like you did your homework! Yeah that’s a great way to bring jvs to the pc.

I am not ttx3 expert though so if jvs is all that’s required, it will do.
Welcome I'm up near Orlando .Congrats on the cab, I'm still trying to get one too.