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I needed to change the following key as well:

  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run --> ttxmulti

I pointed it to explorer.exe instead.
That allowed me in to a desktop environment (Japanese text!).

I *think* i managed to update the drivers using DoubleDriver (and a clean WinXP install on a separate drive), but still receiving Com port error.
I believe WinXP has defaulted my Com port to Port 1 (even though I have set the BIOS up for COM port 2)...

Not really sure where to go from here.
Ok, So I have managed to connect a TTX1/2 JVS card to my clone TTX2 system.

Before I was getting the "Could not read DIPS" message, which @Niko confirmed is an error thrown by the multi when it doesn't get a valid JVS response from the I/O card.

Now I am through to the 'no I/O board detected' error message (I have no I/O board connected at this time - no surprise).

The issue was power related. Running from the COM port alone didn't work.
I needed to supply +5v and Gnd from a USB header to pin 2/4 and 7 respectively (thanks @samplehunters).
(The 6pin header on the I/O also has +5v and Gnd points, pin 2 and 6 respectively).


Now... can anyone shed any light on why I get the same "Could not read DIPS" message when I have my TTX3 I/O card installed..?
Ok!! So I may have managed to connect a TTX3 JVS/FastIO card to my clone TTX2 system.

As with the TTX1/2 JVS card I was getting the "Could not read DIPS" message.
Given it was a power issue in the above case, I pulled that card and powered things externally.


Well.. turns out my motherboard doesn't supply +5v on pin 9.

With 5v and Gnd from a USB header applied, I actually get lights on the TTX3 I/O breakout panel.
Unfortunately I still receive the "Could not read DIPS" message...

Plug everything back in to the PC... 'no I/O board detected' :thumbsup:

Quite possibly a premature celebration, but progress!


  • Capture2.JPG
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Since I plan to wire everything internally, here is a rough pinout for the CN1 connector.
I should be able to bypass the daughter board entirely.


1No contact
2JVS Pin 1
3JVS Pin 2
4JVS Pin 3
5F1 Pin 6
6F1 Pin 3
7F1 Pin 2
8F1 Pin 1
9F2 Pin 6
10F2 Pin 3
11F2 Pin 2
12F2 Pin 1
13Dip 2
14Dip 1
15Dip 4
16Dip 3
20LED Gnd
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Hi - I also need to power up the IO board on a TypeX+

Please can you tell me the exact pins and wire colours - I dont want to damage anything.

Pin 4 is LED power? Orange wire 5v?
Pin 7 is Earth (H/W Reset)? Blue wire Earth?

is that right?

Thanks for any help
Should I join pins 2 and 4 together and give them 5v?

Brown and Orange wires?
Hi - I also need to power up the IO board on a TypeX+

Please can you tell me the exact pins and wire colours - I dont want to damage anything.
A picture might help?

Its this style I/O, correct?

You need to connect +5v and Gnd to the 11 pin header on the I/O card.
This is the pinout on the motherboard. Pin 1 is top left. Pin 12 is missing (keyed).
+5v --> Pin 2/4
Gnd --> Pin 7


You don't need anything else wired up to test. Just power, ground and of course the serial port to COM2.
Just connected it up to the nearest USB header
Orange - 5v
Blue - Earth

Worked first time!!!!

Thanks a million - Still got no sound but controls all work and so does the force feedback!!

Thanks again
@Zmok Not quite sure what was achieved, but :thumbsup:

Since you mentioned Type X+... Are you using a PCI soundcard? Or onboard?
Might explain the lack of sound?
The amp chips have burnt out.

Low level sound is coming out of the jack on the motherboard.

I have a chinese replacement coming tomorrow. Then see if i can get the chips from china.
Nice work! :thumbup: :thumbup:

Are you going to use RJ45 & USB breakout boards internally?

I was going to do something similar but decided to go a different route (just installed the PCIe IDMAC board inside my gaming desktop instead).
Since I plan to wire everything internally, here is a rough pinout for the CN1 connector.
I should be able to bypass the daughter board entirely.
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Are you going to use RJ45 & USB breakout boards internally?
That would be the idea. You can find all sorts of breakout cables on eBay.
Start with JVS controls first, but with the option to add Fast I/O.
Super simple if I can get this JVS2USB I/O Buddy to work with the X2.

My current sticking point is that I have a clean XP install adapted to work with @Nikos multi.
I would rather adapt Nikos multi to work with my clone hardware, but there i have other issues (Post 21).
Sorry if it sounds super obvious to you already, but did you try changing the COM port number in Device Manager?
Other than that, I wouldn't have a clue! :D

@samplehunters I don't have Device Manager... the X2 Multi drive 'as-is' doesn't even contain explorer.exe

I need to re-add all the windows applications that will allow me to access Device manager, then make the change and then reverse the process. Plus the underlying WinXP install just happens to be Japanese (of course it is!).

I have managed the above, but on startup I get a black desktop with just a Start bar containing Internet Explorer and Outlook (nothing else). On top of that, my PS/2 keyboard doesn't have a Windows Key... so I can't ⊞ Win+R to run programs...
Ah OK I see. Wish I could be more help but I sold my X2's a long time ago. I just know that Device Manager is devmgmt.msc in the system32 folder.
Have you tried dropping a copy of cmd.exe into the Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup folder? I'm sure you'll sort it out eventually! :thumbsup:
I've tried adding thing to the start menu, but they don't show up for some reason?
As I had an active shortcut to Outlook I just renamed my exe file to msimn.exe and ran accordingly.
I'll try moving cmd.exe and try that.
@samplehunters I don't have Device Manager... the X2 Multi drive 'as-is' doesn't even contain explorer.exe

I need to re-add all the windows applications that will allow me to access Device manager, then make the change and then reverse the process. Plus the underlying WinXP install just happens to be Japanese (of course it is!).

I have managed the above, but on startup I get a black desktop with just a Start bar containing Internet Explorer and Outlook (nothing else). On top of that, my PS/2 keyboard doesn't have a Windows Key... so I can't ⊞ Win+R to run programs...
Or you could download windows pos 2009 and just do a clean install and copy the multi files.......