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Aug 24, 2015
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So i have this G-Net unit i picked up a little while ago. Ordered a Bios update and some Sandisk CF cards to get started with.
I've been using .raw files and the linux script from @skate323k137 (appreciated!) and the process of writing CF cards went smoothly.
(Only found one dud Sandisk card i my pack of 10 from eBay - so far, so good).

Booted Sonic Wings and was surprised to read Taito Corporation MB-2011 on the splash screen - I assume that means this board was already flashed with the 2011 Bios?
Anyway, Sonic Wings boots just fine, same with Brave Blade. Then the problems start. All other games give me a System Error (000000) on load.
Re-writing problem titles onto tested cards gives me the same issue. Looks like this board is ONLY booting ModBios conversions (Sonic Wings, Brave Blade, Flame Gunner).

Could be a Bios issue then? I had the MB-2011 to hand, so attempt that update process, only to run into this error while flashing:


Not sure what to do now seeing that the board has already been updated to MB-2011 (could that be the reason for erase failure?)
Or if the current 000000 System Error would be cleared up with a Bios re-flash...

Any thoughts? (And anyone willing to help with a LH28F160S5T replacement if I need to go that route??)

Thanks in advance!
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1f100000 is program flash fault
(0x001fffff).rw("biosflash", FUNC(intelfsh16_device::read), FUNC(intelfsh16_device::write));

This is why the G-net is not that smart if your changing games all the time.
Some games work because the program is smaller... anything under 100000 will work.
Sorry @Hammy, not sure I follow...

1F100000 is when I attempt to reflash the Bios.
Non-ModBios games all give System Error ‘000000’ on boot.
Flame Gunner is one of the larger games (MB wise) and that loads without issue...
That would be "bios calls" after 1f100000 crashing then, same thing just different chip ;)