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Mar 27, 2016
Reaction score
The soldering techniques are similar I would imagine. How would you compare these two tasks as far as arcade modifications go on a scale of 1-10? With a score of 1 being wiring a standard JAMMA control panel. And you define what you would consider a 10 in difficulty. Assume the user asking here has all the tools to do the task and has some novice experience in soldering. What would the Dimm Flash update score/rate. What would the CPSIII Darksoft Bios Mod rate?
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If you are talking just the bios chip on the CPS3 cart and not the SH-2 swap then the two are identical. The chip is the exact same mountung package, TSOP48. What would we consider a 10 difficulty? Kinda depends on that if we are grading it.

If we are talking just a soldering scale I would have any through-hole soldering as a 1 -super easy and BGA soldering as a 10 -difficult mostly because of the equipment and process involved. I would then call the bios swaps a 5.
Cool. I have 3 NAOMI Dimm's to take a stab at upgrading to firmware revision 3.17. I figured the effort wouldn't be too different from a CPSIII bios swap perspective. Reason I ask is I might be picking up a dead/stripped CPS3 system from a buddy. We'll see how it goes. Somehow, I am still terribly nervous about the Dimm upgrade and those things don't even cost that much.
if you haven't desoldered/soldered flash chips before i'd recommend practicing on a junk board first.
And watch plenty of youtube videos. USE FLUX

I'm going to give this a go too. with M29W160EB70N6E /adp-003 adapter

if you haven't desoldered/soldered flash chips before i'd recommend practicing on a junk board first.
Sage-like advice right here. I watched that video Youtube video probably 10x by now. Whose deft neuro surgeon hands are those anyway? TylerDurden's?