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Love this, i should finally use some of my fluffy pcbs....
Before I get too excited, i'm assuming Demon front and SVG arent de-cryptable (well.. atleast are very difficult to decrypt) due to the extra ARM encryption?
Unfortunately, Demon Front, SVG, The Gladiator, The Killing Blade Plus, and Happy 6in1 all run the majority of their code on the ARM7 CPU (the same CPU that's in the Gameboy Advance!) that is built into the cartridge. It would be a total rewrite of the game to make those run on the 68K CPU (the same CPU that's in the Sega Megadrive).
Unfortunately, Demon Front, SVG, The Gladiator, The Killing Blade Plus, and Happy 6in1 all run the majority of their code on the ARM7 CPU (the same CPU that's in the Gameboy Advance!) that is built into the cartridge. It would be a total rewrite of the game to make those run on the 68K CPU (the same CPU that's in the Sega Megadrive).
I wonder if it's possible to at least allow for conversion carts of those games, perhaps leading the way to a new repo cart for the ARM games.
I'm sure it's just a bank switcher and the likely reason for the games selected are that they're both fairly small.

you could probably cobble together something like this yourself if you wanted to.
I didn't do anything, but shouldn't be too hard. You can switch two 2MB P-ROMs already, as used by Ketsui and Trap-Ketsui, you could do the same for the other ROMs. If you have some free time you could even modify one of the games to offset the sprite/tile/music addresses so they can share the same address space without extra banking.

Edit: Looks like a 3D printed case, though. Maybe one of the designs shared here? https://www.arcade-projects.com/threads/3d-printed-replacement-cases-for-carts.10897/
Edit2: BTW, at one point I considered replacing the 74LS138/139 on the Char board with GAL as well, but decided against it since in most cases it is not necessary. It would be easy enough to just rewire the decoders if you wanted to do switch between two rom sets.
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I didn't do anything, but shouldn't be too hard. You can switch two 2MB P-ROMs already, as used by Ketsui and Trap-Ketsui, you could do the same for the other ROMs. If you have some free time you could even modify one of the games to offset the sprite/tile/music addresses so they can share the same address space without extra banking.

Edit: Looks like a 3D printed case, though. Maybe one of the designs shared here? https://www.arcade-projects.com/threads/3d-printed-replacement-cases-for-carts.10897/
Ah good to know.

The case gets used in the Puzzle Star Aliexpress variant as well .. could be the same guy.