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Jun 3, 2020
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USA, California
Looking at taking another pass at rebuilding/fixing/tuning my Neo Geo cabinet monitor. Original issue was a blue tint (red driver). After recapping I was unable to tune it to the point where color balance was right. I'm thinking of getting a cheap third party chassis just to confirm that the tube is OK before I spend a day rebuilding the chassis again (I may have messed up something along the way last time). But I dont know if I can just get another 25" chassis and expect it to work. Any input is welcome.
They're not hard to use. Checking emission levels is pretty much just plugging it in.

You could maybe find someone locally with one.

Chinese universal chassis are awful. Like truly dreadful.
They're not hard to use. Checking emission levels is pretty much just plugging it in.

You could maybe find someone locally with one.

Chinese universal chassis are awful. Like truly dreadful.

I wouldn't run with the universal chassis, just want to see if the tube is working as it should. I'll read up on CRT testers, I doubt I can find someone local with one I can borrow. But I see then for prices inline with a temporary chassis, I just don't know what to look for in an appropriate one to test this tube or how to determine if it's working. The issue I had prior to rebuilding my current chassis was that the color balance, contrast and brightness were way off. After the rebuild, it seemed worse but brighter. I've then let it sit for over a year... figured I should give it another try so looking at the best path forward. Fair chance I messed up the rebuild. Too many capacitors to replace, I was sloppy towards the end.

Any make/model rejuvenator you might recommend?
Not that I know of, but I haven't really looked into it.

I have a 490.

From what I can see, I'll need a 470 or better to use a CR-23 neck adapter. Which is what I think I need, but can't find an exact match for a QNIC CGM-2500 with an RCA A63ADT10X05 tube. Also not finding any CR-23 adapters loose or in an existing kit... but I'll keep looking.
I have a B&K 467 and B&K 490. My fav is still the 467.
I did a complete setup and use of it here:
View: https://youtu.be/nWqqB_OnYzE?si=3avU7OR6cQY3CcSC

You can buy the more common CR-23 and CR-31 adapters at APAR. They work great.


I've got that same TPG RGB tester. Had already viewed your video.

Made an offer that was accepted on a 467 in reasonable shape with all the documentation and booklets as well as a pile of adapters. Not sure if the one I need is in there, but we'll see. Will plan on replacing the capacitors first thing and fingers crossed the vacuum tube is OK.

Still not sure what settings this A63ADT10X05 tube I have needs. Found some repair logs that confirm it uses the CR-23 adapter. But no idea about the heater voltage etc. The site you reference in your video has no settings for it and I can't find anything on the interwebs.
When not listed I typically use G1 @ 50v and 6.3v filament.

Also, take care in capping it. Things are super delicate. The bulbs are not easily replaced. And if you break a connection, it's all daisy chained and can be a PITA. There's a FB group for B&K: https://www.facebook.com/groups/503454524641474/?ref=share

I sent mine out for repair and Bruce from that group did an excellent job re-capping, re-flowing and most importantly, recalibrating everything.

When not listed I typically use G1 @ 50v and 6.3v filament.

Also, take care in capping it. Things are super delicate. The bulbs are not easily replaced. And if you break a connection, it's all daisy chained and can be a PITA. There's a FB group for B&K: https://www.facebook.com/groups/503454524641474/?ref=share

I sent mine out for repair and Bruce from that group did an excellent job re-capping, re-flowing and most importantly, recalibrating everything.


I need to keep the cost of all of this down under $150, so that excludes having someone else do the recap. Shouldn't have too many issues, but from what I'm reading the resistors often also need replacing.

Also, I was permanently banned from Facebook for "impersonating myself" (their words)...
Speaking of which, can someone let Bruce know that the person from Finland trying to join is not a spam account? I've already been turned down twice.
I know Bruce. Shoot me your username in DM and I can have it approved.

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