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I'll check mine again in a few. If it is like yours, the tube gets tossed, and the search continues.
Interesting. So perhaps the coloration issue was with the 29E31S itself?

Would throwing the MS2933 on the same tube as a sanity check produce the desired result?
Interesting. So perhaps the coloration issue was with the 29E31S itself?

Would throwing the MS2933 on the same tube as a sanity check produce the desired result?
Could be a tube issue too. Did you check the TV before you gutted it?

Did you have a rejuvenator? That's an easy way to check if it's the tube.

Also, remember that MS293X has a 0.200mH yoke, 29E31S uses 0.300mH. So you'll have to swap the yoke if you're going to try it on a MS293X.
Yoke was swapped. Don't know if my buddy checked the TV prior to the surgery. No rejuventator. I have the same tube and will give it antoher go on Wednesday.
Here is the donor tv that I picked up:


Here is the result with just swapping the yoke and not trying purity, convergence, pin, ect yet.


I am not familar enough with the 2931 to go much further, but even though the tube is an Orion (yuck), it does seem to work.
Here is the result with just swapping the yoke and not trying purity, convergence, pin, ect yet.
I have similar results with my yoke swap on Ms2931, i could never get rid of the top and bottom bows no matter how much I tweaked the yoke position


  • nanao.JPG
    67 KB · Views: 303
Here is the result with just swapping the yoke and not trying purity, convergence, pin, ect yet.
I have similar results with my yoke swap on Ms2931, i could never get rid of the top and bottom bows no matter how much I tweaked the yoke position
I have the same problem on one of my 2930s. No matter what I do, I still have the bows. I think it’s just these semi curved tubes.
I have the same problem on one of my 2930s. No matter what I do, I still have the bows. I think it’s just these semi curved tube
2930 with original Toshiba tube? might be a chassis related issue then
The bowing can be fixed with magnets placed on the yoke.

The one in @djcalles pic doesn't even look that bad. I would be perfectly happy with geometry that looked like that.
The bowing can be fixed with magnets placed on the yoke.

The one in @djcalles pic doesn't even look that bad. I would be perfectly happy with geometry that looked like that.
It's way worse in real life, I'm living with it but would like to make it better if possible. never heard of the magnet on the yoke trick, I used magnets on the tube to fine tune purity though.
Thanks for the suggestion! Do you have any tips or links about it?
This is a staged photo, but one way is to do it like this:


The magnet in red was salvaged from a discarded yoke. I placed it on top of the bigger magnet. It either pulls in or pushes the image out depending on which way you have it.
This is a staged photo, but one way is to do it like this:


The magnet was salvaged from a discarded yoke. I placed it on top of the bigger magnet. It either pulls in or pushes the image out depending on which way you have it.
oh snap! Thanks, I’ll try this in the future.
This is a staged photo, but one way is to do it like this:


The magnet in red was salvaged from a discarded yoke. I placed it on top of the bigger magnet. It either pulls in or pushes the image out depending on which way you have it.
WOW! Awesome, I shall try this too, I have some discarded yokes too. Thanks mate.
Apex tubes work afterall.

Threw an MS2933 chassis and yoke on the Apex tube and it works. Didn't have the yoke lined up perfectly. Didn't dial in purity with the rings. I supppose the 29E31S chassis is faulty or it doesn't like the tube.

But, suitable donor is now found.

Apex tubes work afterall.

Threw an MS2933 chassis and yoke on the Apex tube and it works. Didn't have the yoke lined up perfectly. Didn't dial in purity with the rings. I supppose the 29E31S chassis is faulty or it doesn't like the tube.

But, suitable donor is now found.

Good deal!
I made these guides and threw them in my 2 cars so whenever I see a potential donor on the side of the road I can instantly gauge the tube curvature compatibility.

The MS9/wood ones were made from a astro bezel and the plastic ones for the blast were made from a Philips matchline TV with Toshiba tube that had perfect matching curve with the blast tube.

D series are exclusive to the US, I believe, so no. My tube is from a mid/high range panasonic TV: M68KTY167X this tube is made in USA so you should be able to find it over your side of the world. According to this page, it is a rebranded AMEC: http://forum.arcadecontrols.com/index.php?topic=28188.0

The swap is successful from an electrical perspective (I have tried both with a 2930 and 2931) but I have not put it in the blast frame just yet. The curve looks right to me but I'll have to wait until it is fitted to say for sure.

Although not an exact science, I think looking for tubes/TVs from the same years that the blast was in production helps with the curve. I have added a pic of the plastic cover's date, never knew how to read these things.
Sorry to revive an old thread, but I have the same tube, and am considering putting it into a MS9 chassis. Ive send a PM with some questions
I'll detail my experience through the process.
I know it's been a while since this thread has seen any action, so I'd like to apologize if this is a no-no. However, I think that this is a development worth looking into:

Someone, (who may very well be on this forum,) used a 27" Samsung tube (rebadged by Funai) in their Nanao MS-2931 arcade chassis back in July 2020! Granted, he had to use a lot of magnets to clean up the purity, but it fits and works perfectly!


EDIT: Sold!
(I have this same exact same tube in an Emerson TV I own. I have no use for it, so I'm saving it for any gents who'd like to use the tube.)

Anyway, great forum! I'm new here, so its a pleasure to meet you all!
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