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Jul 8, 2017
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U.K, Cornwall
Hi all,

Looking for some help printing ABS.
So far I have built an enclosure.
Set the heated bed to 110.
Hot end is 220
Slowed the print speed down to 60.

My prints are still lifting at the corners before the print has finished.

Any help to would be much appreciated.

Cheers Justin
Are you able to print well with other filaments? Any more info on your printer? model, bed leveling, any firmware shenanigans, slicer, and of course pics of parts is helpful
ABS is bloody miserable stuff. Oh and also the fumes are very unhealthy. I’ve pretty much given up on it now that PLA+ and PETG are so much more mainstream. To be fair my equipment wasn’t really up to it. An ender 3 pro is still an ender 3pro, no matter how many upgrades I threw at it :)

Normally I got curling when the print cooled unevenly. Which was every time. Letting the enclosed space preheat for 30-60 mins seemed to help a bit, sealing up every little gap helped sometimes, and reducing the fan speed.

What sort of gear are ya running?
As hatmoose mentioned, ABS is a rather challenging material to work with. More info would help (printer, speeds, bed material, slicer), although one thing to start with is that 220C might be a bit low, depending on your hotend setup.

The enclosure helps a lot, but it's still pretty difficult to keep ABS from lifting due to the high shrink rate of the material. Some different stuff I would try (not all at once) is:
- Switch to ASA due to similar properties with ABS but typically has less shrinkage.
- Even lower fan speed, maybe down to 30-40% except during bridging.
- Reduce bed temp slightly to 100C. Might seem counterintuitive, but it may reduce the temp gradient between the bottom and top of the model you're printing.
- Brim if you haven't used one already, especially on corners. Using a thicker mouse ear brims on the corners might do the trick.
- Raft can also work, although this is more of a last resort since it increases print time, material use, and reduces surface quality.

Thanks for all your help, I have had some success by lowering the bed temp down to 100c and using a Brim which has stopped the lifting from the print bed.
My project is to make a replica Commodore 1581 disk drive, I went with ABS so that I could smooth the layer lines from the case.

This is the drive case and fascia I'am using https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5209440/files.
I can get the fascia to print nicely and the bottom of the tray is staying attached to the print bed but on the corners mid way up its splitting, I think the temperature between the bottom and the top is fine but not the middle.

I Am using a Artillery Sidewinder X1 V4 SW-X1 with direct feed drive.

I think I may stick to PLA and just fill and sand to get the finnish i want :)