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Jul 21, 2015
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Ever since I created the GDEMU tray one of my most requested designs was to make something similar for the USB-GDROM so I'm working on I've done just that.

The design has been finalized. I'm really happy to state that I was able to design it to mount securely without any screws. drop it down on top of the USB port and then install the lid over it. The bottom on this is very thin, as it's mostly just decorative to give everything a uniform look, it doesn't need to be strong once installed since there's a metal plate below it.

BUY ONE FROM ME HERE: https://bit-district.com/console/sega-dreamcast/usb-gdrom-tray.html

DOWNLOAD THE FILES TO PRINT YOUR OWN HERE: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2379444


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onw white for me... but first I need to finally the f***ing USB-GDROM that I paid *several* weeks ago :D
Yes I see that.. I hope I get it more or less soon .. I have my spare Japanese DC waiting for it :)

is there any USB Stick (physical) size limit for the tray? not that I get the wrong one...

I guess it would be impossible to fit a SSD+USB adapter inside the DC isnt it?
is there any USB Stick (physical) size limit for the tray? not that I get the wrong one...
The USB port is pretty close to the metal shielding so really thick sticks may not work. currently my tray design doesn't have a bottom to ensure maximum clearance, though I'm debating adding a paper thin bottom just to make everything match color-wise (instead of a metal bottom). I'm going to test print that tonight to see how it comes out.

I guess it would be impossible to fit a SSD+USB adapter inside the DC isnt it?
My original goal was to build a 2.5" HDD mount into the tray... the adapter I bought to test this is pretty big though so I'd have to have holes all over the place in the tray to make it work..

So after I finish the USB tray I'm thinking of designing an alternative finisher plate, this would bolt to the underside of the Dreamcast's top shell and cover over the hole under the Dreamcast's lid. the underside would have mounting holes for a hard drive. So you'd have to take apart the DC to get to the HDD but you could permanently mount it inside and have plenty of room for whatever adapter you're using.
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Top post updated. These are now available for sale, and the STL file is available on thingiverse for anyone who wants to print their own. :D