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Jul 21, 2015
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With this tutorial,you will be able to convert an nonnetdimmboard for Naomi to a new version which accept compact flash !

This is my latest technique found,the safiest,100% sure no brick !
My gift to the communauty ;)

I take no resposability if you broke something and/or brick. This manipulation need solder skills !
Do it at your own risk !

Also, don't be fooled! Don't pay an expensive price for this!
In France, I ask for 35€ including shipping,and all is donated to my boy

For information,this is the kind of chip you need to solder:

You need:

- An Eprom programmer

Version 1
If you use your dimmboard flash rom(SHARP LH28F160S3T) you need an tsop56/dip48 adapter (if needed by your programmer)

Version 2
- an tsop48/dip48 adapeter (if needed by your programmer)
- one flash rom (ST M29W160EB70N6E or equivalent like Fujitsu 29LV160TE90PFTN)

- Solder (not glue,hein!)
- firmware 1 Here
- firmware 2 Here
- an netdimmboard
- an naomi
- all you need to send a file using netboot

- or ask "skilled" people to do it
(like mitsurigi-w or me for example)

The trick:

- Open your dimmboard
- Look at the flash rom to desolder at IC14/36

- Desolder it

Burn firmware 1

- Resolder flash rom

et voila! first step!

Now open your Netdimmboard and take rams and the daughter board.
Put it on your old dimmboard

Go to test mode and clear parameters.

Start your Naomi with your old dimmboard in it,and using net boot,send Firmware 2
Follow on screen instructions to burn it.
Congratulations,its an 4.02 dimmboard now!

Put rams and daughter board back to you Netdimmboard.
Put everything else on your nonnet Dimmboard and enjoy compact flash on it!
Good job,you made it dude!


1 - If at start,error 22 comes,your flash rom is badly soldered.Resolder it

2 - If you are 3000% sure and still error 2,recheck your solder or even resolder again!

3 - and if it doesnt works?
- Maybe an buffer chip is dead,specialy an Fairchild.
change it.

look at the dimmboard, IC12S
to eventually change it

4 - and what if still error 22????
look number 2

Feel free to ask me help or questions about this,it will be a pleasure to answer you!
I can do the trick for you too,if you dont have hardware or dont want to it.

Merry Christmas to all of you !
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Nice tutorial. And Tyler do it quickly and very well if you don't want to solder it by yourself. Tested and approved!
So if my dimm has a TSOP-56 flash I can just desolder it and replace with a TSOP-48 flash provided I offset it to use the other set of pads?

So all I need is a TSOP-48 to DIP-40 adapter to fit my GQ-4X (Official part is "ADP-003") and a M29W160EB or 29LV160TE with a speed of 70 -90ns programmed with 3.03 or 3.17 firmware (Currently 1.02).
Yep. I replace all of the tsop-56 chips with tsop-48 on the DIMMS I upgrade.
Version 1If you use your dimmboard flash rom(SHARP LH28F160S3T) you need an tsop56/dip48 adapter (if needed by your programmer)

Version 2
- an tsop48/dip48 adapeter (if needed by your programmer)
- one flash rom (ST M29W160EB70N6E or equivalent like Fujitsu 29LV160TE90PFTN)
Thanks Tyler. I had a heck of a time understanding this tutorial (I suppose that is intentional). I think the trouble was the translation of the text above. I think it should read as follows:

Method 1
If your dimmboard uses flash rom SHARP LH28F160S3T you need an tsop56/dip48 adapter (if needed by your programmer)

Method 2
- an tsop48/dip48 adapter (if needed by your programmer)
- one flash rom (ST M29W160EB70N6E or equivalent like Fujitsu 29LV160TE90PFTN) to replace the tsop56 SHARP LH28F160S3T flash rom in your dimmboard

Some constructive criticism is all. Thanks again!
both can be used in any dimmboard
Tsop48 or tsop56
Depends of the hardware you own.

You're welcome!
picture came from my net dimmboard.
Just here to illustrate the size of the chip/where to find it
does FW_Dimm317.bin from this net dimmboard as well ? from it's flash silkscreened FPR23718 ?
as long I can remember, it came from that dimmboard, 99% sure.
What do you have in mind my friend?
thank you.

I'm in process of documenting known DIMM firmware versions, especially original/factory like 2.03 in yours dump, which was not available in form of software update disks.
currently I tend to think all Net-DIMMs comes with 2.03 as original firmware i.e. written in 1st half or flash rom, and some newer version in 2nd half (like 3.17 in yours case)
As for me this is very desired piece of content. I bought Net DIMM with Error 22 and I was afraid to upgrade firmware (before dealing with buffer chips). At first this process may seems to be very simple but with such complex hardware which is not documented it's not so easy. On the board besides flash is SRAM or NVRAM located so who knows how exactly flash process looks-like? Moreover we have only access to binary blobs, no source code so it is really blind dance for sure. For those who has some issues with downloading fw - copy link address using right mouse button, paste an address somewhere and remove first part of the link (https://mega.co.nz/#!OgYzmAIb!-)
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there is something missing here,
can someone who is going to do this upgrade please dump the eeprom before and after for comparison.

it should be possible to just flash the flash with an external programmer.
the fact you cant makes me think there is more data somewhere else.
this may also explain why some people can fit more ram than others.
@stj from DIMM firmware analysis I can confirm - near end of EEPROM, after unique SN#, stored data with DIMM settings or something like this.
it will be nice to have dumps of this before and after upgrade, compare them, so it may give answer on the question - why sometimes FW upgrade attempt may lead to DIMM bricking.
btw, have you noticed all the "words / phrases" in plaintext in the dimm firmware?
i'm thinking there may be hidden developer modes activated by returning one of these strings with a special pic.
i'm thinking there may be hidden developer modes activated by returning one of these strings with a special pic.
that's what so called "Zero PIC/KEY" is, i.e. when "network byte" 1 and DES key is all 0

no hidden words or phrases
i meant it may have modes like reading a harddrive or standard dvd or a headerless bin.
there is definately something in there, or the developers filled it with junk phrases for fun!
Related question...Could someone please check and tell me if the blue JP1-6 jumpers are set up correctly on this Dimm board?

2017-06-03 22.42.57.jpg

I...may... have borrowed them for something else and not exactly documented their original position for re-installation... :whistling:
i meant it may have modes like reading a harddrive or standard dvd or a headerless bin.
but why anyone from developers may want to do this ? I see no reason,
there is definately something in there, or the developers filled it with junk phrases for fun!
I'm afraid software development is not like you are thinking. especially in Japan, where people more tend to strict follow rules and clear work plan.