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The service manual says this is a bonded yoke and the sixth symbol in the Toshiba type number suggests its bonded but the neck has sets of rings on it. Is this similar to the other bonded yokes you have tried?
Yeah every bonded yoke I've encountered has electronically controlled purity/convergence.

Also bonded yokes will have a plastic film/wrapper between the yoke and CRT. See the pictures from kidkaos post here https://www.arcade-projects.com/thr...tube-and-yoke-swap-monitors.12917/post-360804.
Hi there, I have a very burned tube inside an Astro and I was hoping maybe this one will fit. It's a THOMSON tube from a TV set with the same name. I just grabbed the TV for next to nothing thinking that it might be the right curvature. This set has excellent colors, and a very bright image, however I think the flyback might be damaged as the TV makes a "clank" kind sound every 20 seconds or so. When I opened it up to check on that I saw a little spark under the flyback everytime the sound is made. But I am very pleased with the overall image quality. I'll atach a few pics:




So, right now I'm wondering what to do as course of action:

- Replace / repair flyback and try to snug the tube and TV chassis on the cab

- Try to do a tube swap and get geometry and convergence as good as possible.

Any tips from experienced enthusiasts that might help me out in here?
Astro/New Astro are 29" monitors [A68], you have a 26" tube [A66]. That won't work in your Astro.
A66 is 28" Japanese. 26" is A63.

But yes, it's too small.

Another issue is that has a single magnetized yoke ring, which you would need to hack off for a Nanao tube swap. It could work as is with a Hantarex Polo chassis though.
A66 is 28" Japanese. 26" is A63.

But yes, it's too small.

Another issue is that has a single magnetized yoke ring, which you would need to hack off for a Nanao tube swap. It could work as is with a Hantarex Polo chassis though.
Thank you nem. I'll try to fit it into the cab and just use the TV chassis. I just can't live with that burned monitor no more. I'll also give the flyback a look see if I can atleast stop the spark until I get a replacement. Will post results during the weekend.
A66 is 28" Japanese. 26" is A63.

But yes, it's too small.

Another issue is that has a single magnetized yoke ring, which you would need to hack off for a Nanao tube swap. It could work as is with a Hantarex Polo chassis though.
Hello again. I've measured the resistance on the yoke, it's 9.6 and 1.6 ohms. I can get a hold of a Polo 1 chassis and also a Polo 2 110°. Do you think any of those can fit this tube? Or at least be sure the chassis wont blow? Thanks for helping a newbie out.
Hey all, not sure if this would be the right thread but it seemed like a good thread to ask if I need to swap some parts on my extra astro city monitor. I think it’s a MS9.

The tube quality is great, however, it’s dominated by a blue hue. I happen to have two astro cabs and when swapping the the control units and adjusting the RGB values with the knobs, there was no change. I assume given this was from overseas perhaps it got damaged as before the machine was sent, it was working flawlessly. Any ideas or suggestions? I’m also thinking of just selling if anyone is interested, feel free to DM. Thanks! Video below.

Hey all, not sure if this would be the right thread but it seemed like a good thread to ask if I need to swap some parts on my extra astro city monitor. I think it’s a MS9.

The tube quality is great, however, it’s dominated by a blue hue. I happen to have two astro cabs and when swapping the the control units and adjusting the RGB values with the knobs, there was no change. I assume given this was from overseas perhaps it got damaged as before the machine was sent, it was working flawlessly. Any ideas or suggestions? I’m also thinking of just selling if anyone is interested, feel free to DM. Thanks! Video below.


You're missing red but should definitely turn down blue a bit.
Where in California are you?
If you decide to sell, I have a buddy looking for an Astro.
You're missing red but should definitely turn down blue a bit.
Where in California are you?
If you decide to sell, I have a buddy looking for an Astro.
Yeah, but it’s not something I can fix from the controls unit, I think the board itself needs re/soldering or repair maybe cause nothing I’ve been able to try has brought red back.

Right now I’m not selling the astro cab itself but will sell this monitor with the caveat it will need repairs. If you’re interested, DM me!
Hi again. So I managed to fit nicely the Thomson tube in the Astro cage. I paired it with a Hantarex Polo as @nem suggested and the image is quite good. I played ghost and goblins for around half an hour and it felt great, but when I switched game on mister this happened:

It's similar behavior as what the old flyback was causing in the TV, but way more severe now. The hantarex flyback is brand new and the chassis has been recapped. I cleaned the socket pins and greased the anode in case it has been moisture or something. I haven't made any adjustments yet. I also noticed later a slight screen oscillation in the menu:

I have no idea of what could be causing this behavior. Any help would be appreciated 😀
Had a successful tube swap today on a sad filthy MS9-29S from one of our fleet cabs I'm refurbishing, which came with horrible mahjong burn. The new tube is a Samsung A68KVL74X from a Korean "Ducksan" monitor we were given that caught on fire. Looks like the tube was also used in some Mitsubishi, Sanyo, and JVC TVs along with some Kortek monitors, so it should be easy to find.

Setup was extremely tedious. The rubber yoke spacers had to be removed and the yoke repositioned *exactly* in order to achieve good purity and convergence. I mean exactly--no tolerance for error. Once I got the yoke in the correct position, I tightened the clamp and pushed the rubber wedges in place and held everything firm. Shut it off and glued everything in place with hot glue to tack things down, and turned it back on to ensure the picture was still where I wanted it. I did this probably 4 or 5 times before I got a good result! I then used some blobs of construction adhesive to permanently secure the yoke and wedges.

Anyway, purity on all solid colors is perfect with no chevron magnets, but there is a slight dirty screen effect on a pure white screen. Focus is good, convergence is overall acceptable. I didn't have any strips on me today so I'm sure it could be improved with some more effort. Massive improvement over the dim and burnt original tube either way.

Someone recently told me there were "no known MS9 tube swaps" so figured I'd post in case it helps someone.


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Someone recently told me there were "no known MS9 tube swaps" so figured I'd post in case it helps someone.
I think when people say this they mostly mean no known tubes that match the curvature/bezel precisely. I've had success in tube swaps for the MS9, just never found one that sat perfectly against the bezel.
I think when people say this they mostly mean no known tubes that match the curvature/bezel precisely. I've had success in tube swaps for the MS9, just never found one that sat perfectly against the bezel.
Correct, tube swaps on ms8/9 have been done, it’s finding the correct tubes that’s a crap shoot. I’ve had success on one but it seems the more curved the tube, the more pain it is to dial it in.
I've shared on french forum my research recently, I've translate it for you here, hope it can be usefull

For Astro/NAC/Egret2/etc...

I've found Tube compatible for both spec and curve (not the easiest one)

Tube Toshiba A68KLF96X
Toshiba : 2929DD , 2927DB


It's possible to install a MS9 + yoke
Otherwisen it's also possible to use the TV chassis in a cab because it's not a 100Hz and the picture quality is pretty good

For Blast/Windy2/etc...

I've been able to found original tubes from Blast in a lot of TV for which the list can be increased for sure
Tube Toshiba A68KZN696X
Grundig : ST72-261 IDTV/LOG , ST72-261/8 IDTV/LOG , E72-911 IDTV , M72-105/9 IDTV (PIP) , M72-105 IDTV , ST72-160 IDTV , E72-911 , M72-795 , M72-795/9


Tube Toshiba A68LBT696X
Grundig : M72-410/9 Reference , Sydney SE7230 DOLBY (VNM) , Atlanta SE7250 PIP/DOLBY (VNM) , Atlanta SE7250/8 DOLBY (VNM)

It's also possible of course to use those tubes with MS2930/31 + yoke but not only. some models have built in VGA port and are compatible for 480p native

But all those TV chassis are useless for 15Khz because all TV are 100Hz

For example, the M72-410/9 Reference is pretty good at VGA

For NNC/Naomi (Flat)

I've found a TV with a tube from same familly (spec + curve) as the original Toshiba tube of the NNC
Tube Toshiba A68LQP356X
Grundig : Xentia MF72-490 Dolby


It is possible to install this tube in a NNC with the Toshiba + Yoke chassis. It is also possible to use the entive TV directly in the CAB (direct drop off) because this TV have VGA input and directly boot into the proper input.

The picture quality is so good that I use it as daily driver for my Dreamcast and Naomi

Hope this helps.
I've shared on french forum my research recently, I've translate it for you here, hope it can be usefull

For Astro/NAC/Egret2/etc...

I've found Tube compatible for both spec and curve (not the easiest one)

Tube Toshiba A68KLF96X
Toshiba : 2929DD , 2927DB


It's possible to install a MS9 + yoke
Otherwisen it's also possible to use the TV chassis in a cab because it's not a 100Hz and the picture quality is pretty good

For Blast/Windy2/etc...

I've been able to found original tubes from Blast in a lot of TV for which the list can be increased for sure
Tube Toshiba A68KZN696X
Grundig : ST72-261 IDTV/LOG , ST72-261/8 IDTV/LOG , E72-911 IDTV , M72-105/9 IDTV (PIP) , M72-105 IDTV , ST72-160 IDTV , E72-911 , M72-795 , M72-795/9


Tube Toshiba A68LBT696X
Grundig : M72-410/9 Reference , Sydney SE7230 DOLBY (VNM) , Atlanta SE7250 PIP/DOLBY (VNM) , Atlanta SE7250/8 DOLBY (VNM)

It's also possible of course to use those tubes with MS2930/31 + yoke but not only. some models have built in VGA port and are compatible for 480p native

But all those TV chassis are useless for 15Khz because all TV are 100Hz

For example, the M72-410/9 Reference is pretty good at VGA

For NNC/Naomi (Flat)

I've found a TV with a tube from same familly (spec + curve) as the original Toshiba tube of the NNC
Tube Toshiba A68LQP356X
Grundig : Xentia MF72-490 Dolby


It is possible to install this tube in a NNC with the Toshiba + Yoke chassis. It is also possible to use the entive TV directly in the CAB (direct drop off) because this TV have VGA input and directly boot into the proper input.

The picture quality is so good that I use it as daily driver for my Dreamcast and Naomi

Hope this helps.
Dagnabbit @iori! This doesn't help us stupid Americans.
Following my first report over at Neo Arcadia, I'm sharing a few details here hoping someone will have an explanation for what I observed and worked around.

So thanks to iori's awesome post I could find a Toshiba 2927DF TV here in France, and I can happily confirm that yes, the TV's A68KLF96X tube is a perfect fit for an Astro City ! :thumbsup:

Sharing a few non-problematic details first :

- The tube's original yoke resistance measurements confirm that it has to be replaced with an MS8/9 yoke indeed.
WhatsApp Image 2024-05-14 at 00.59.45.jpeg
WhatsApp Image 2024-05-14 at 01.00.06.jpeg

- Ground and degauss naturally require connector adaptations

- Frame assembly requires depth adaptation (around 1 centimeter forward)

However, the remaining combo-building experience was not as plug-n-play as expected.
Here's a playlist showing the issue I encountered :
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HsMwGtp_PQ4&list=PLrpqcq_vXimnjOs_AiTPl7R-eRJJ3_ItB

There is a hissing/arcing sound coming from the neckboard after a few moments, coupled with a bit of visual interference on the screen.
At first I suspected the MS9's neckboard to be faulty, since I had just bought this chassis.
Then the next test revealed an issue related to the tube itself :
- MS9 with Astro City original A68KJU96X tube : no noise, no problem at all
- Astro City original MS8 with new A68KLF96X tube : noise coming now from MS8 neckboard !

Then compared neckboards between MS9 (left) and TV (right) :
(ignore red indications, image shamelessly stolen from Mike's awesome MS9 guide :D)

- The MS9 ignores the tube's pin 4 : the neckboard's socket doesn't even have a female pin 4 populated.
- Meanwhile, the TV directly links pin 4 to pin 5 (G1) with a jumper.

That's how I suspected this difference to be a potential cause of arcing, and I connected pin 4 to pin 5 on the MS9's neckboard, without really understanding why such a difference in tube pinout.

Please note I also replaced the socket with the one coming from the TV in order to have female pin 4 populated.

The playlist's last video shows that it seems to work indeed : no arcing noise anymore, woohoo !
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4758wjA8hvc&list=PLrpqcq_vXimnjOs_AiTPl7R-eRJJ3_ItB&index=6

But I'm left with a few questions now :
- What is the meaning of this slight pinout difference between A68KJU96X and A68KLF96X ?
Is pin 4 really just a second G1 pin with no other purpose ? Or is it more subtle than that ?
- What about the MS9's 31k mod setting a specific voltage to G1 instead of ground ?
Should I be able to apply this same voltage to pin 4 with nothing special to fear, or can I break something here ?

Hopefully someone more knowledgeable here will have a reassuring explanation. :)
Explanation is here:

Newer Toshiba tubes (families KZN, LBT, LTF, etc.) have a unique double focus design. Grid 4 (which together with grid 3 forms the focusing lens), which is at fixed anode potential on standard tubes, here is adjustable as a voltage divider has been incorporated in the neck. The ground end of this divider is coupled to pin 4 of the CRT socket (an unused pin on standard tubes). To make it adjustable, pin 4 is connected to ground through a pot (located on the neckboard of the Toshiba D29C051 chassis but not present on your Sanwa replacement). On the Nanao MS2931 chassis it's not adjustable as a fixed 10 Mohm resistor was used instead. I suggest you examine the CRT socket on your chassis and see if pin 4 is actually present and if it is, solder a 10 Mohm resistor from it to ground to stop the arcing. A different value might be needed for a better focus.

Woah, a fourth grid =O
Ok so this pin has nothing to do with G1 voltage and it should remain grounded.
When I apply the 31k mod, I'll have to redirect pin 4 to ground in another way then.
And perhaps experiment with a potentiometer between pin and ground to adjust focus specifically for this grid ? Not sure how I'd install it somewhere in a clean way, I'll think about it.

In any case thank you so much for the quick response !