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Zenith A63ADG25X


Jul 30, 2022
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Aloha, I have an Zenith tube with a universal chassis in it; it's currently running a naomi board. As you would expect the colors and focus are less than desired. Cab came this way, I'm considering switching the naomi to my Net City, and converting this back to Jamma, what chassis would work with this tube to get this universal chassis out?
Keep in mind when running a Naomi in 15khz, it will be interlaced, which isn't exactly the sharpest picture even on the best monitor. I would try a progressive scan 15khz source and see if it's acceptable. Reason why I mention this is because you do have a working monitor and chassis, easier to keep what's working.

Also this is a really dumb question: are the face of the monitor and front glass clean? I've had plenty of cases where people ask for help tuning their monitor, only for it to just be very dirty.

If you do go for a replacement chassis, the K7000 seems to be the one meant to go on that tube. Verify that the yoke readings are in range and it should plug right up.
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Keep in mind when running a Naomi in 15khz, it will be interlaced, which isn't exactly the sharpest picture even on the best monitor. I would try a progressive scan 15khz source and see if it's acceptable. Reason why I mention this is because you do have a working monitor and chassis, easier to keep what's working.

Also this is a really dumb question: are the face of the monitor and front glass clean? I've had plenty of cases where people ask for help tuning their monitor, only for it to just be very dirty.

If you do go for a replacement chassis, the K7000 seems to be the one meant to go on that tube. Verify that the yoke readings are in range and it should plug right up.
I'll look into it, I'm switching this over to a Super Turbo setup, but Im under the impression this is a chinese universal chassis. Just wasnt sure if some of the issue was from that.
The chassis that originally comes with Zenith A63ADG25X tube is a Sharp Image SI-325MR 25KHz aka KTM-F Medium resolution.