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Street Fighter New Legacy conversion question


Jan 9, 2021
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So I'm trying to buy a rom set for New Legacy and the seller is telling me unless I'm trying to convert an original SSFII or SSFIIT, I have to "reflash/refresh the board" before I can convert it. Does this make sense to anyone? Are they talking about changing the PAL? I thought any CPS2 board could be converted to any other as long as the rom size matched the PAL and the jumpers were set correctly. Anyone know what's up with that?
There are probably people around with more specific information as I have never tried to do a new legacy conversion. I did once try to convert an early revision A + B board to HSF2T and it was more trouble than I think it was worth (from memory if I charged for my time even at a pretty low rate a DS multi would have been cheaper than the conversion). I think things get easier with later board revisions, and I am not sure what romset New Legacy is based on.

See this thread for general conversion info: https://www.arcade-projects.com/threads/the-definitive-guide-to-cps2-conversions.10778/
Method that i normally follow is
1) write the new eproms
2) install thr new EPROMs
3) clear the jumpers
4) set the jumpers to match the EPROMS (not the game)
5) write a new PAL/GAL to match the EPROMs (not the game)
6) add infinikey/openkey if required

Steps 4 and 5 are the hard and time consuming ones for me.
Jumpers aren’t for the game, they are for the chips that hold the game. Basically they tell the board how to address the physical chips.
So if larger roms have been spilt across chips (or smaller ones condensed) then they’re going to be different to what’s on the jumper list.

Same for the PAL/GAL, it’s not copy protection, it’s instructions on how to read the data off the (E)PROMS. So it needs to match the chips, not the game.

There are (were?) calculators for this around somewhere, but I’m not able to find them at the moment.

Hopefully someone with more experience than I will dig it out and post it.

But yes, I’m thinking your seller is saying refresh the jumpers, reflash the pal/gal
Any tips for getting it set up on the multi?
Any pinch points?
Actually, you just have to go to the New Legacy website's download section and there's a link for the Darksoft version. So it's easy peezy. The only thing I'll tell you is if you like all your games in alpha order on the multi, copy all the preexisting roms onto your computer, delete them on your sd card, add in the NL folder and reupload them all. If you don't, it'll put NL after the last rom. It'll still work just fine, it just won't be listed with the other versions of SF when you scroll through the list.
I have just bought an old pre-Champion Edition Darksoft Multi, and can't get New Legacy (0.9) to work, I just get a black screen. Mine is running the original firmware that only supports decrypted ROMs. Does anyone know if New Legacy is encrypted and therefore requires the Darksoft Multi to have the latest firmware and extra wiring for writing encryption keys?
I have just bought an old pre-Champion Edition Darksoft Multi, and can't get New Legacy (0.9) to work, I just get a black screen. Mine is running the original firmware that only supports decrypted ROMs. Does anyone know if New Legacy is encrypted and therefore requires the Darksoft Multi to have the latest firmware and extra wiring for writing encryption keys?
Did you download the Darksoft version from the New Legacy website?
Yes exactly, the Darksoft 0.9 version from the official website. It flashes ok, but after reset just a black screen.
I noticed the 0.9 Darksoft package came with an encrypted key, I replaced it with one of the "blank" keys from the old decrypted ROM sets but that didn't work. So looks like I'm out of luck unless I upgrade my Multi firmware and install the key writing wires.