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[Solved] Use Atomiswave in NUC


Jan 22, 2018
Reaction score
Lyon, France
Hi all !
I have a NUC and I'd like to us my recently asquired AW System on it.

It's ok for the display part, as AW outputs 31K, Stereo output can be taken from CN3, but how about inputs ? I don't want to butcher my NUC which is fully JVS equipped so I guess I'll need some kind of board that converts JVS RS485 data to JAMMA inputs (+ kick harness where needed).

I've already seen some boards like that way back in the past but I didn't war at that time and now I'm not sure about how to name them to make a proper research. Are they still around ? My looking for them seems to direct to standard I/O converters to use JVS systems in a JAMMA cabinet, but what I try to do is the opposite : use a Jamma system with a JVS cabinet.

Can someone point the direction on where to look ?
Stereo output can be taken from CN3
Be careful with this output as it is already amplified. You'll want to use a line level converter before sending it into the cabinet's amp.
This guy may have what you're looking for 8)

I already checked, but it seems quite overkill for what I need to do, I was thinking of a simpler solution, which I know exist since ages, as I already saw some a long time ago.
Furthermore, shipping it to France is beyond expensive (more than half the price of the device itself), so sorry, I won't go for this solution for now.
Be careful with this output as it is already amplified. You'll want to use a line level converter before sending it into the cabinet's amp.
Thank you, that's an info I wasn't sure about, but it's okay I can deal with it.
I already checked, but it seems quite overkill for what I need to do, I was thinking of a simpler solution, which I know exist since ages, as I already saw some a long time ago.
Furthermore, shipping it to France is beyond expensive (more than half the price of the device itself), so sorry, I won't go for this solution for now.
Goddamnit, FedEx did it again - don't want to hijack this thread, but shipping to France is usually 18 Euro.. Have to close the webstore until this is sorted :(
Progress Report : I found a way around : I'll plug the 60-pin from the panel directly in this board instead of the JVS I/O board to redirect controls to JAMMA

(and before you say it : I know the colours do not match between the two sections : I knew it when I soldered the stuff, I'll deal with when connecting to the stuff below).

Then use these breaker boards to transport the controls between the panel part to the system, which will replace the NAOMI System, and powered by the NUC PSU.

The idea is to be able to rollback to a NAOMI system with minimal changes.

The audio part with CN3 remains though.
Be careful with this output as it is already amplified. You'll want to use a line level converter before sending it into the cabinet's amp.

I can't find in the AW manual what is the power of this output : is it 4W like most JAMMA boards ? or something else ?

Additionally, Does the potentiometer for volume adjustment work for the stereo output as well as for JAMMA mono output ? Or is it adjusted another way ?
Finally made it by taking the unamplified audio directly on the MoBo ( TP87-TP88 ) so I could direct it to the NUC Amp.
The picture below comes from this video @33:38 to illustrate


Worls perfectly, as well as the controls.

Thank you guys for your help !
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