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Reconnect system2x6 to all.net


Nov 4, 2024
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Nice to meet you. I own a system256 and I am playing idolmaster (2005).
The game has an offline mode, but I wanted to connect to all.net, so I did some research and found out that there is an all.net emulator called Artemis. I found that it returns logs. However, I am unable to connect properly.
I would like to gather people interested in this issue to discuss it.
Currently, the all.net authentication succeeds, but I cannot connect to the game server.
I would like to borrow the knowledge of someone who is familiar with MIPS R5900, hardware, and network communications.

The system2x6 cannot specify DNS, it is configured on the router side.
The DNS uses the IP of the PC and uses bind to name resolve naominet.jp and tenporouter.loc.
We will send you the bind configuration file if necessary.
Also, you may need to remove the firewall. ・The string ECHO is sent to the server at first. It is thought to be a response confirmation, so it can be handled by replying with the same behavior as the ECHO server.
After the ECHO is over, the string “CHALLENGE” is sent to the server. Perhaps it is a challenge response?
Here is a link for your reference

If anyone can help with this issue, please comment.
I would like to borrow the knowledge of someone who is familiar with MIPS R5900, hardware, and network communications
The Emotion engine is not in charge of networking nor data transfers In General, it is all done by the PS1 CPU

Namco system 246 and 256 don't do networking like retail PS2... Since they don't have a DEV9 interface (so no network and HDD in the way we have it on retail hw)

IIRC, the network port you see on those systems goes through USB.
エモーションエンジンはネットワークやデータ転送を担当していません。一般的に、すべてPS1 CPUによって行われます。

Namco システム 246 と 256 は、市販の PS2 のようなネットワーク機能を備えていません。DEV9 インターフェイスがないため (つまり、市販のハードウェアにあるようなネットワークや HDD がないためです)

私の記憶が正しければ、これらのシステムに表示されるネットワーク ポートは USB を経由します。
thank you for your reply Could you please explain a little more in detail?From my research, I believe this is done via the dongle executable.
I am pretty sure that sys2x6 did not use the SEGA ALL.NET service ?
ご返信ありがとうございます。もう少し詳しく説明していただけますか? 調査したところ、これはドングル実行ファイルを介して行われると思われます。Also, sys2x6 has a LAN port.