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Question on naomi1 mobo - (atomiswave & initial D)


Feb 12, 2016
Reaction score
northern NJ - about 30min from NYC
Hey folks - I have a bunch of naomi1 mobos going unused (Im using naomi2's everywhere). I recall seeing some ebay listing in the past with initial D running on naomi1 mobos. Does anyone know if this works? I will eventually test it out myself, but Im being lazy at the moment (sorry).

Also, do the atomiswave conversions require a naomi2, or can they be run on a naomi1 board? (and is there any other dependency on using a naomi2 - ie the netboot, or the null pic? Again, all of my testing has only happened with naomi2).

Ive been buying quite a few cabs recently, and my stock of naomi2 is low, and I want to make sure I have some spares, so looking to see if I can make use of my naomi1s.

Also, do the atomiswave conversions require a naomi2, or can they be run on a naomi1 board?
They most certainly work on Naomi1 motherboards. =]
Yeah, normal netboot procedure on NAOMI 1 for the AW conversions. 0 key is the same as well.

I am fairly certain all of the initial D games require a NAOMI 2 motherboard. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.

All of my Initial D discs have that Naomi 2 required on them.

If memory serves the guy who listed the "Naomi 1 Initial D Board" was someone who knew nothing about arcade boards. It was a Naomi 1 board with a Dimm board and he claimed he thought it was from an initial D cabinet. It would appear it was a Naomi 1 and the Dimm from an Initial D Naomi 2 setup. Basically someone taking two things that fit together and selling them as a set.