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For Sale


Jul 6, 2021
Reaction score
DFW TX, United States
Hi Everyone! I have a green Capcom mini-cute in great shape and wanting to get an idea as to price to sell. It has a non-working 19inch Wells-Gardner monitor. I was going to work on figuring out the issue, but just have not got around to it and just don't have the time, so just selling it as is. It does play blind, as I can hear the game power up when connected. Known issues:

-non-working monitor
-one broken lock tang
-non-original power supply
-one loose wheel

Body wise it is in excellent shape and has a repro marquee holder.

Any ideas as to fair pricing?
For reference:

Besides that, I have:

1. Fully functioning Sega Allnet PRas 3 cabinet with Sega ALLS motherboard. How much are those going for nowadays?
2. House of the Dead 2 Standard upright - stopped working, but pretty sure I can get it back up and running with a new power supply. What would you price this one at? It is in okay shape.

(I also posted these questions in the price check thread).
A clean original and functional Mini Cute with the correct monitor probably goes for around $3,500USD.

Here is the PRICE CHECK THREAD where you might get more responses.
Spot on. Sold mine for that a bit ago with no problem.

If it's the tube, probably another 700 knocked off to import a replacement, if it's just the chassis, you can usually pick them up sub-200.