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PCB 3D Printed Cases!


Nov 5, 2021
Reaction score
Texas, USA
I plan to model and 3d print cases for some of my PCBs.

Here is my first one for Tetris Plus 2. :)
I'm really happy with how it came out. If anyone is interested, you can can download it here:



That looks great, I'll definitely make one! How do you like your XL? I have been really happy with mine.

Overall I have loved mine! I really love how I can mix material types. Add some TPU for a flexible joint or a softer surface. Or Mix PLA + TPU for easy to remove supports! :)

I had my first big problem while printing this though. I got an heater overcurrent and then a preheating error. Ultimately it ended up just being one of the heaters died. I measure it and its just an open circuit. Still waiting for the replacement to come in, hopefully its the only problem.
That looks great, I'll definitely make one! How do you like your XL? I have been really happy with mine.

I think we talked about this a while back, but was support for multiple nozzle sizes ever implemented into the XL?

I'm still fairly tempted by the XL... I'll probably finally bite the bullet on that if/when they release an updated "S" model or XL2.
I think we talked about this a while back, but was support for multiple nozzle sizes ever implemented into the XL?

I'm still fairly tempted by the XL... I'll probably finally bite the bullet on that if/when they release an updated "S" model or XL2.
Last time I checked they still didn't support multiple nozzle sizes. Definitely a feature I want too.
This is a nice idea/solution!

A) for some reason i want to buy a Tetris Plus 2 PCB now
B) sadly i dont own a large printer :( - But your solutions gives me an idea of working on some cases (maybe never...) by myself. - I always thought of printing like acryl plates version and not as a case! Thanks a lot for that nice idea!


Because of this i bought a new larger 3D printer *facepalm*

Looking forward for your G-Net version :)
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This is a nice idea/solution!

A) for some reason i want to buy a Tetris Plus 2 PCB now
B) sadly i dont own a large printer :(- But your solutions gives me an idea of working on some cases (maybe never...) by myself. - I always thought of printing like acryl plates version and not as a case! Thanks a lot for that nice idea!


Because of this i bought a new larger 3D printer *facepalm*

Looking forward for your G-Net version :)
Thank you!
And I'm happy to have helped you make poor purchase decisions 🤣😂

I actually made acrylic cases for ~2/3 of my cases. Overall I'm happy with them, but bc I didn't have a CNC or something to cut them there's a lot of imperfection.
See them here:


I'll probably remake most of not all of my smaller PCB, but leave the larger ones as is. I've had my XL for almost a year now and this project has been on my the back of my mind since then.
I dislike the idea of cutting acryl by hand. - Thought of buying a laser, but CO2 lasers (if you want to cut clear acryl) are way too expensive.

I thought of buying a cheap laser and cut black acryl ... but meh

I thought of outsourcing, but depending on size and engraving it is something from 30 to 150 USD - for one "case". Went fast "nah" on that idea.

As i was trying to figure how to cut acryl it crossed my mind to simply do it by 3d printing, but was always "pcbs too large for my 3d printer" - It never crossed my mind to simpl buy a larger printer *facepalm

... thanks again for sharing :)
I think we talked about this a while back, but was support for multiple nozzle sizes ever implemented into the XL?

I'm still fairly tempted by the XL... I'll probably finally bite the bullet on that if/when they release an updated "S" model or XL2.

Unfortunately no, it still doesn't support multiple nozzle sizes. That was a dealbreaker at the time for me, but I am extremely happy I kept my preorder open. This printer is seriously fantastic.

As an example, I make divider containers for tradeshow part sample kits. I do 3 different colors, and 2 additional materials, and make 4 at at time. The thing never skips a beat.
Oh! This already looks nice!
  • Why is there a corner in the upper right, but not on the upper left? :)
  • Make holes/openings for the heat spreader on the bottom left
  • Make an extension/hole for the volume knob
  • How to you connect upper and lower body? heat inserts? (maybe make some standoff feets
  • Mabe the dip switches (lower bottom) should be reachable (not sure if any of those were important, have to look it up)
  • Be aware that not everybody has multi color large format printers or want to print multicolor (i dont mind your design, i ll just print without the logo on top and add a logo with vinyl/sticker paper later)
  • How long did the print take? :)
Thanks for your input @Orakelschaf !

Waiting on some test prints to finalize this, but I'm getting closer. :)


  • Why is there a corner in the upper right, but not on the upper left? :)

I thought about just making it a square/rectangle, but decided to mix it up and just follow the layout of the gnet PCBs.
  • Make holes/openings for the heat spreader on the bottom left
Could you elaborate what you mean?
When I printed the above pictures, I was using 0% infill and a few other settings just to make it print faster. Not sure if that worsen the lifting or not.

  • Make an extension/hole for the volume knob
Was already planning to :) Just didn't include it in the test print to save on material

  • How to you connect upper and lower body? heat inserts? (maybe make some standoff feets
I'm designing with heat inserts being required. Standoff already already designed in too :)

  • Mabe the dip switches (lower bottom) should be reachable (not sure if any of those were important, have to look it up)
I'm going to leave a large opening for the card to slide out. The dip switches will be accessible from there.

  • Be aware that not everybody has multi color large format printers or want to print multicolor (i dont mind your design, i ll just print without the logo on top and add a logo with vinyl/sticker paper later)
  • How long did the print take? :)

I considered designing for my mk3s+ before getting my XL. I just didn't like all the seams that would be required. If enough actually want it, I might consider doing it.
Print time TDB once I'm done :)
This is really awesome!

Getting my printer (Neptune 4 Max) today and will be ready to print the cases (and maybe help with prototyping) somewhen this week (still have to find a place for the printer) and i am really looking forward printing cases for my pcbs :)

I thought about just making it a square/rectangle, but decided to mix it up and just follow the layout of the gnet PCBs.

It feels like a strange decission, since i would always make square cases, but i don't mind either. Go for it :)

Could you elaborate what you mean?

On the bottom left of the pcb there is a silver metal piece. That heat sink is collecting heat and can heat up (how much = i don't know) - This always should be ventilated and/or not to close to the plastic ( i think a lot of people will print in PLA). Not sure if this causes any trouble at all, but it is something you always should keep in mind :) - I think that is the reason why some enclosures (f.e. lion3 cps1 case) has an additional fan

I considered designing for my mk3s+ before getting my XL. I just didn't like all the seams that would be required. If enough actually want it, I might consider doing it.
Print time TDB once I'm done
Oh! Don't mind small printers, this designs really only work on large bed printers. I meant "single color" vs "multi color" prints - Just design it that i always can choose not to print a logo :)

I think i will print a logo on vinyl/sticker paper and use the logo area for that :)

Do you design with fusion360? - Did you think of doing a parametric design for "normal pcbs" (which only differ in size and where the screw holes are)
Do you design with fusion360? - Did you think of doing a parametric design for "normal pcbs" (which only differ in size and where the screw holes are)
Yep I use fusion360. I get the idea of parametric designs, but haven't tried to design any yet. One of these days I'll get around to watching some tutorials or something on it.
One of these days I'll get around to watching some tutorials or something on it.
It is really easy - There is a menu where you can enter parameters (by variablename) and even formulas. Those parameters can be entered on "everything" like sizes. What makes it even more interesting that those parameters can be entered on repeatable stuff. It is kinda "easy" - After some videos you will get the idea pretty fast.

Really looking forward to your g-net case (but take your time) - will be one of the first larger prints on my new printer
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