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Good to hear. Yeah, Peter (APAR store owner) is a good dude. Did he exchange it for you?
No, it didn't cross my mind to request an exchange for whatever reason; I just ordered a new one. I guess I'll just consider it a donation for the many parts past and future I need that he inexplicably has stocked 😁
Very nice MVS cabinet refurb! BTW can you measure those speaker hole diameters and also the "cathetus lengths" of those metallic "right triangular"-shaped edge protectors covering short sections of the vertical t-moldings? It would be very useful to know those original measures in my own project.
The speaker hole diameter is 3 3/4".

The length of the legs of the edge protector that I measured are slightly unequal. The horizontal leg is 2 15/16", and the vertical one is 3".