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What speed EPROMS do I need to use for this awesome hack? I can't get to my board currently to check it.


Edit, found it in the schematics.
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If you're gonna wipe the existing rom set, please check if it's an undumped version first.
Will do. I assume I can confirm on the rom check screen and then Google to see if said version is dumped?
I am looking to burn these for someone on the board - it looks like a good number of M27C4001 are needed (120 speed). Is that the only size needed, or is there another one needed?
Use 27C4001 or 27C040 at 120ns speed or faster for all of the files but one. Use 27C010 for l2_nba_jam_u3_sound_rom.u3 on the sound board.
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If you're gonna wipe the existing rom set, please check if it's an undumped version first.
I had one that was undumped, so they are out there for sure.
I got it dumped and sent in with some help with the peeps here.
I think one of the PROMs I had was helpful.

Thanks to all those who work to preserve these for us to play.
I had NBA Jam Rewind roms burned for me, but was not successful in getting it working on my TE board. Did a bunch of rom swapping to try to find a smoking gun and eventually narrowed down to consistent behavior where soon as either or both of UG12 & UJ12 were replaced, the game would load to a black screen, regardless of which other roms were on the board, Rewind or original TE. Conversely, soon as both stock chips were back on the board, the game plays without issue.

Before I have anything burned again, just want to be sure that version 1.2 linked on this thread has worked fine for others on original TE hardware. Would love feedback from someone that has done this successfully. If so, I'm gonna assume that burning another copy of either or both UG12 & UJ12 might do the trick for me.
For original TE hardware, the two program roms UG12 & UJ12 should be all that's needed to at least boot the game and enter diag mode.
Even the fonts for diag are inside the main program roms.

If both the original and rewind roms failed to boot on your TE board, something is wrong.
Likely, they were wrong speed, or wrong burns. If you don't own a burner, it's hard to dump them to verify this theory.
Other than that: You should always get a bootup screen with diag info.

You can post pictures of the two stock roms on your board and the large square ic's on the game PCB. (preferably the sticker on the square chip near the jamma connector, this read something like " REV X.X (C) WMS ...".)

You might have some oddball revision that we love to see.
Original roms work fine, only the Rewind ones don't work.

Test mode says I'm running REV 1.00