Updated links since they died.
V1.2 is here:
V1.2 is here:
For anyone in the future, they are 120What speed EPROMS do I need to use for this awesome hack? I can't get to my board currently to check it.
Edit, found it in the schematics.
Will do. I assume I can confirm on the rom check screen and then Google to see if said version is dumped?Enjoy.
If you're gonna wipe the existing rom set, please check if it's an undumped version first.
That’s the only type needed. You can use
27C4001 or 27C040.
I had one that was undumped, so they are out there for sure.Enjoy.
If you're gonna wipe the existing rom set, please check if it's an undumped version first.
And the label on the square chip?