I'm in the process of buying a BVM-20F1U, which from what I understand you can attach to a rack (like a computer server rack).
Which got me thinking, why not rack all the components?
Which got me thinking, why not rack all the components?
- Like get a empty rack like this one: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16816215004&cm_re=rack-_-16-215-004-_-Product
- Attach the BVM-20F1U to it.
- Add some rack speakers to it like these: http://www.rackmountmart.com/html/rSp7.htm
- A power conditioner / surge protector: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produ..._power_conditioner-_-0TZ-003K-000A5-_-Product
- And then of course I can attach a PC with a rack, but i was also thinking, I found a company that will make custom rack mount enclosures to your specifications. Why not take all my consoles and convert them into nice rack mount cases and put them in this arcade/console tower....
- And then for the sticks, just get my self a nice table to put in front of it, like a work bench: http://www.homedepot.com/p/Edsal-34...oden-Top-Workbench-with-Shelf-UB400/202017259