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Nov 16, 2015
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Marlborough, MA
I'm in the process of buying a BVM-20F1U, which from what I understand you can attach to a rack (like a computer server rack).

Which got me thinking, why not rack all the components?

I can't tell if this setup would be really epic or just ridiculous. Any thoughts or suggestions?
Although, for an arcade stick, I could use a 2U keyboard tray and convert that into a single arcade stick. But that would only be a single arcade stick....

Not sure what I'd do for a Marquee.
Why not just get a candy cab? If that is not an option just find something simple that is higher than the workbench.. on the workbench put one of those supergun with Joysticks kid of setup.. to me that make more sense.
Why not just get a candy cab? If that is not an option just find something simple that is higher than the workbench.. on the workbench put one of those supergun with Joysticks kid of setup.. to me that make more sense.
But that workbench won't have enough space to put all those consoles and make it look nice. Unless he ditches his consoles and MAMEs a cabinet.
On what (small stable) is going to be higher that the workbench he can place the consoles and the PVM.. on the bench he can place one of those Jap supegun with two controllers.. that is how I would do it.
I think the rack has the benefits of having multiple consoles all look really nice, everything organized, the monitor can be mounted nice and high at the right standing height.

I could just do a PC.... But it is nice to have 100% compatibility from the consoles, not have to do Windows updates....

But I think i'd still lean towards the rack mount setup as apposed to just fitting the BVM into another arcade machine. Although I have thought about modding a viewlix slim: http://i.imgur.com/Ep9DeF4.jpg They normally hold a 23" LCD wide screen, but I could mod it to take the BVM. It would look really really nice with the monitors ass hanging out the back....

I think dissembling the rack mount or moving it somewhere in general is easier.
then go forth.. I just looked at the rack that you linked to and the price but if you can get a cheap one sure.. I would like to see how it turns out... also a 23" is very small if you are used to 32" LCDs
I like this idea alot, but that cart is too rich for my blood.

When I went to @kidpanda 's last year, he had his big crt tv and Dreamcast set up on what I think was an old (high school style) AV cart. I had to stand in front of it to play it, it was too high to sit. It sort of reminded me of playing game demos at kiosks in game stores back in the day, and I liked it :)

anyway if you set up the joysticks with this rack especially, I think you'd have something really cool. Best of luck in the endeavor man.
That's a really cool idea, but holy hell is that stuff expensive. Given the cost I'd be more inclined to build my own. I mean Home Depot sells L-channel and wheels there's not much to it than that. Even if you do buy the base rack some automotive speakers and a tri-path amp in a custom housing would probably look and sound better than that rack-mount unit, which is probably only that expensive because of how compact it is.
I'd probably get the rack mount used from a surplus or network place getting rid of them. Even on eBay a rack like that is only $80....
Here is an example of what some of the consoles look like sticking out of a rack mount, i think they look pretty awesome actually. Granted these are all last two generation of consoles, but if I could get some of these for what I'd be putting on the rack, I think it could look really really nice with the BVM 20F1U

a bvm20 rack needs to be a heavy duty one I have 3 rack servers at home (7U height in total) and my BVM is heavier than the 3 servers together
I'd either get something like a 27U for sitting arcade kind of setup or a 42U for standing, either one with 4 posts.
yes, but check the maximum load, the cheap racks can support up to 50kg, the BVM weights 50kg already...you want a rack in the 100kg load range.
Oh I see what your saying. Ya, the lowest load I'm looking at is 350kg or 800 or so pounds... so it'll hold. Just not sure if I want a sit down and use one or stand and use...
That looks like a neat idea to put all of your consoles together into one rack. But i think BVM looks better by itself on a table. If you are aiming for an arcade cabinet setup style, you might as well getting a dedicated candy cabinet.
Do you have the BKM30E20 rack mount/slide already for your BVM? That will provide the proper support for the back of the display. Also see if you can find a cheaper rack on a government surplus site, or at a place that sells used/recycled/old electronics and computer hardware (like stuff that was previously leased and now has nowhere to go). I wish I had a better term to describe it.