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JAMMA pinout for CPS changer Roms

Big_P Big_p

May 2, 2024
Reaction score
Not really sure if this is a hardware or software question, so apologies if this is in the wrong place.

I am trying to get the CPS Changer version of Streetfighter Alpha (publicity) to work on my CPS1. I have a Chinese multi attached to it which has SFA on it. Problem is I can only get the medium and heavy buttons working. It does not use the kick harness like most SF games. I have previously helped a friend get a CPS Changer version of SF Zero working which had the lights where the credit and service pins are on the JAMMA but I have already tried that location and doughnuts. The credit and service buttons both seem to do what you would typically expect them to on a JAMMA (add credits and open the service menu) now I am stuck.

I don't think a Chinese hardware hacker would have changed the button pinout assignment, while it's not that hard it's kind of pointless and I expect the just downloaded the rom from one of the ones available.

So my questions are:
Has anyone solved this problem before and where are the lights hiding?
Does the mame rom of the CPS Changer publicity version have inset coins or is it like zero and is set to free play. If it does have insert coins are all the 6 buttons there to use? and
Can anyone look at the mame version of this rom and pass on the code that handles the button assignment so I can check what is going on and if the lights exist anywhere?
It looks like someone gas gotten this version to work as there are videos of people playing this rom and all the buttons work.

Oh if someone wants me to post the standard CPS changer to JAMMA pinouts just let me know.
Oh and just a hardware statement for any noob looking to buy Chinese hack boards or multi b boards. If you buy one and its plug and play you win. Expect that you will need to resolder, change, fix or a multitude of other things to get them working. If you want plug and play stay away. If you want cheap and can deal with the issue ok.
Oh and just a hardware statement for any noob looking to buy Chinese hack boards or multi b boards. If you buy one and its plug and play you win. Expect that you will need to resolder, change, fix or a multitude of other things to get them working. If you want plug and play stay away. If you want cheap and can deal with the issue ok.
Did you get to the bottom of this?

I have a SF2TURBO for my CPS changer I tried to play CPS2 games on the changer, however the button pinouts are wrong.
Most were easy to find the two hard ones were buttons on JAMMA pins 15 and 16. If you need a full table of CPS changer to JAMMA control pinouts I can get one up for you later.